Saturday, August 2, 2014

8/1/14 Playing fast and loose (M15 draft 3-0)

I went to Gamescape North again.

P1P1:  Haunted Platemail over Ajani's Pridemate.

P2P1:   Took Feral Incarnation over Aggressive Mining.

P3P1:   Took Kinsbaile Skirmisher over Ob Nixilis, Unshackled.

I got three Triplicate Spirits in the first pack (pick 3, 4, and 6).   Never saw any more Triplicate Spirits.

I hate picked a Festergloom over Hunt the Weak.  Fortunately, I ended up getting a Hunt the Weak later.

I passed a third Siege Wurm for a third Oreskos Swiftclaw, and ended up getting a fourth Oreskos Swiftclaw next pack anyways.

I passed a Selfless Cathar for a second Raise the Alarm.  That was probably wrong.


White:  15
1 Soulmender
2 Kinsbaile Skirmisher
4 Oreskos Swiftclaw
2 Ajani's Pridemate
1 Midnight Guard
2 Raise the Alarm
3 Triplicate Spirits

Green:  7
1 Elvish Mystic
2 Living Totem
2 Siege Wurm
1 Hunt the Weak
1 Feral Incarnation

1 Haunted Platemail

10 Plains
7 Forest

1 Razorfoot Griffin
1 Ephemeral Shields
1 Divine Favor
1 Solemn Offering

1 Jorubai Murk Lurker
1 Void Snare
1 Divination

1 Typhoid Rats
1 Carrion Crow
1 Xathrid Slyblade
1 Festergloom

1 Forge Devil
1 Krenko's Enforcer
1 Blastfire Bolt

1 Runeclaw Bear
1 Venom Sliver
1 Plummet

1 Bronze Sable

1 Radiant Fountain

I didn't see a SINGLE Sanctified Charge pass by.  Geez.

Match 1:  UW (2-0)

Game 1:

Assembled turn 1 Soulmender into turn 2 Ajani's Pridemate.

Game 2:

Assembled turn 1 Soulmender into turn 2 Ajani's Pridemate into turn 3 Ajani's Pridemate.  My opponent's able to make chump blockers with First Response and a Triplicate Spirits of his own, as well as two Nimbus of the Isles.  In the end, it doesn't matter.

Match 2:  RG (2-0)

Game 1:

I durdle a bit, but then I get the Soulmender + Ajani's Pridemate combo going.

Game 2:

Created a 5/5 Oreskos Swiftclaw with Divine Favor + Living Totem.

Assembled Triplicate Spirits into Siege Wurm.  Life is good.

Match 3:   UR (2-0)

This was the guy sitting on my right, who I passed a bunch of insane cards to.

Game 1:

Mull to 6, played a turn 3 Midnight Guard into turn 4 Living Totem.  He has Into the Void for both my guys, which sucks, then attacks with Krenko's Enforcer with Hammerhand which sucks.    I end up stabilizing once I replay the Midnight Guard then Hunt the Weak the Krenko's Enforcer after he taps out for Thundering Giant.  I trade off my 3/4 Midnight Guard for his Thundering Giant, then I stabilize at 7 life.

He did manage to get me down to 4 life, with Foundry Street Denizen with Invisibility. But I had way more creatures on board.  I think he should not have played so aggressively.

Game 2:

Lost after mull to 5, mana screw.   Didn't draw a single plains and died to Borderland Marauder + Hammer Hand + Paragon of Fierce Defiance.

Game 3:

Mull to 6, won off turn 1 Elvish Mystic into turn 2 Raise the Alarm into turn 3 Triplicate Spirits into turn 5 Feral Incarnation.   Into the Void gets rid of two of my tokens.  He cast Turn to Frog on one of my Beast tokens when I attacked with just my Spirit and Beast token, which was annoying.  I definitely think I should have attacked with all my beast tokens when he left only two mana up, since I knew then he couldn't blow me out with Polymorphist's Jest.

He was at 10 life and I had 2 3/3 Beast tokens and Siege Wurm, a 1/1 soldier, a 1/1 spirit token, an Oreskos Swiftclaw, and a Kinsbaile Skirmisher.  He had Amphin Pathmage and Foundry Street Denizen untapped, no mana untapped (he used it the previous turn to make his Thundering Giant and Altac Bloodseeker unblockable).   I attack with most of my guys, leaving Swiftclaw and Soulmender at home.  He ends up blocking in a way that he takes 10 damage anyways.

I missed a couple Soulmender activations this game, but it didn't matter.

I also forgot to sideboard in Bronze Sable after almost losing to Krenko's Enforcer the previous game.

Result:  3-0 (6-1 in games), six booster packs

I feel like I have a better handle of how the M15 drafts work, but I don't think I have necessarily become a limited master.

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