Saturday, August 16, 2014

8/16/14 Punished for my Insolence (WMCQ 1-4)

I played the William Jensen B/W control list, but I made these modifications:


-1 Banishing Light
+1 Ultimate Price

-2 Last Breath
-1 Doom Blade
+ Nyx-Fleece Ram
+1 Drown in Sorrows

I got very little sleep before this tournament.  I went to bed around 11:45 p.m, but woke up six times.  I got out of bed around 7 am, then left the house around 8:50 a.m.  I got to the Oakland Convention Center at 9:30 a.m.  However, the tournament ended up not starting until 10:30 a.m.

Match 1:  UR Ensoul Artifact 0-2

Game 1:

I play a turn 2 Pack Rat into turn 3 Lifebane Zombie.  This was probably a mistake.  I think I should have gone all-in on Pack Rat.

I try to Banishing Light his Darksteel Citadel but I forget I can't do that.  Instead of trying to Banishing Light his Ensoul Artifact, I just sheepishly take the card back into hand.  I take 5 damage, then next turn I go to Banishing Light his Ensoul Artifact.

Lost to double Chief Engineer into turn 4 Scuttling Doom Engine.  I manage to double block two of his Scuttling Doom Engines to kill them (first time Blood Baron + Lifebane Zombie, second time two 3/3 Pack Rats).

Game 2:

I keep a hand with Caves of Kolios, Plains, Mutavault, two Devour Flesh, Blood Baron of Vizkopa, Underworld Connections.  I proceed to draw:  Obzedat, Ghost Council, Elspeth, Sun's Champion, two Hero's Downfall, another Underworld Connections.   I end up discarding one of my Underworld Connections.  My opponent ends up discarding Soul of New Phyrexia, but then he plays Ensoul Artifact on his Ratchet Bomb and his Darksteel Citadel again, then finishes me off with Shrapnel Blast.

Match 2:  GW Aggro 0-2

This guy was an angry neckbeard stereotype.  I will stop there lest I say too much.

Game 1:

My opponent overruns me with Sunblade Elf, double Soldier of the Pantheon, double Experiment One.  I have a Blood Baron in hand turn 5 but it won't matter, since I still die after lifelink is taken into account.

Game 2:

I played a couple of Drown in Sorrows, but for low value, since my opponent is drawing his "Fat" creatures now.  I kill a Voice of Resurgence the first time, then kill a Boon Satyr/VoR token the next time around.  Which is basically a 0.5 for 1, then a 1.5 for 1.

I lose this game because I forget my opponent has Banishing Light.  I play a Lifebane Zombie, see my opponent drew a Nissa, Worldwaker.   I Doom Blade his Loxodon Smiter and hold my Lifebane Zombie back, forgetting about the Banishing Light.  I should have not played the Lifebane Zombie and just used the Deicide in my hand to kill Boon Satyr.  But it wouldn't have mattered since once he played Nissa, Worldwaker I was doomed.

Match 3:  UWR Control 2-0

Game 1:

I played around Counterspells, and played an Underworld Connection when my opponent was tapped out.

 I Thoughtseized my opponent before combat, took his Elspeth, then said "go ahead".  I meant to say "ok now I move to attacks" but my opponent took this to mean "untap and draw a card".  I wanted him to back up but then he called a judge.  I tried to explain that I meant I wanted to go to attacks, then the judge asked me if I wrote down all the cards in my opponent's hand, which I said I did, then the judge wanted to give my opponent a warning for drawing a card.  I then said I was fine with skipping the rest of my turn, because I didn't want my opponent to get a warning, especially when we were both out of contention anyways.   He Detention Sphere'd my Elspeth the next turn, which sucked, since I missed out on 5 damage (from Mutavault attack and 3 soldiers attacking) plus getting 3 more soldiers.   I ended up drawing another Elspeth, which I was able to play with 2 mana up, so he couldn't Syncopate me ( I saw he had this in his hand.  After drawing his next card, he scooped.

Game 2:

This game played out similarly to the first one.  I managed to resolve an Underworld Connections when my opponent was tapped out.

Match 4:   Rabble Red (0-2)

Game 1:

I keep a hand with double Thoughtseize and double Underworld Connections, Lifebane Zombie.  Lose to Rabblemaster and slowroll Stoke the Flames.

Game 2:

Opponent kills me with EOT Skullcrack, then Burning-Tree Emissary into Stoke the Flames into Lightning Strike.  Great.

Match 5:  Naya Hexproof (0-2)

My opponent was mopey mcmoperson.  A truly miserable person to interact with.

Game 1:

My opponent built a 7/7 lifelink trample flying Gladecover Scout.  I wish I had more Devour Flesh in my deck.

Game 2:

My opponent played a Witchstalker and Gladecover Scout.   I played an Obzedat, and didn't blink it out, thinking I could hold off my opponent.  Then he suited up his Witchstalker with Madcap Skills and Ethereal Armor.  I attacked with my Obzedat next turn.  Then I had the option of playing Elspeth and making soldier tokens, or destroying my Obzedat and his Witchstalker.  I chose the latter (ugh).  Elspeth died to his Gladecover Scout next turn.

Then he played an Ajani, Mentor of Heroes, then found a Voice of Resurgence off it.    That eventually resulted in my death.

I quit playing in the tournament after this point.  I'm just way too tired at this point.

I wish I had more Devour Flesh in the deck.  Also I think I should have kept the Last Breath in the sideboard, since I ran into Voice of Resurgence in two matches.

I wish there was a good defensive 3-drop for black/white like Courser of Kruphix.  I guess the closest thing is Brimaz.  I'm not sure if it's possible to play Brimaz in a deck with 13 white sources.

In a way, I'm glad I didn't do well in the tournament because Round 5 ended around 4 pm (for me).  I don't think I could have lasted until midnight (for 5 more Rounds, and a top 8).

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