Sunday, January 18, 2015

1/18/15 "In America" FRF prerelease sealed 2-1-1

I went to Gamescape North for the FRF prerelease (day 2).  I originally signed up for Sultai, but decided to change my pick to Mardu.  Unfortunately, I got put at "table 27" so I was lowest priority for Mardu packs.  So I ended up getting a Jeskai pack instead.  The kid next to me (who picked Mardu) was super ragey about me getting to play Jeskai. 

I went to bed around midnight last night, but woke up twice in middle of the night, which sucked.  I got out of bed aroud 8 am and notice I have terrible black circles on my eyes, which doesn't help.  Being super tired during a tournament is not good.

Jeskai Infiltrator (rare)
Shu Yun, the Silent Tempest
Dragonscale General
Citadel Siege
Ivorytusk Fortress

Match 1:  Mardu  2-0

My opponent is still sleeving his deck, which sucks.  I end up waiting 5 minutes for him to finish sleeving his deck.

Game 1:

I almost lose this game due to my opponent playing 2/3's vs. my 2/1's, but I end up stabilizing into Citadel Siege + Shu Yun ftw.

Game 2:

This game isn't nearly as close, as I simply outpower him with the Citadel Siege tapping one of his guys + Dragonscale General combo buffing my guys. 

Match 2:  Abzan 1-1 draw

My opponent is a known slow player.  He's gone 3-0 in multiple drafts and 4-0 in multiple sealed events by winning the first game then playing super slow.

Game 1:

My opponent makes a gajillion manifests from Mastery of the Unseen.  I manage to clear the board with Arcbond + Sandblast, but it doesn't matter, because he starts the manifest train again.

Game 2:

I win with Dragonscale General, Citadel Siege, and Shu Yun.  I end up Sandblast'ing my own Dragonscale General to counter Channel Harm. 

Game 3:

My opponent goes Qarsi High Priest into Sultai Runemark, attack.  I block with a 2/2 manifest token (from Soul Summoning) and a Mardu Hordechief.   He plays Abzan Charm, making his dude a 4/6.  For some reason I bin both my guys.  I almost die to his stupid 4/6, until I topdeck Jeskai Charm.  Then he plays Tasigur and Sibsig Host.   The game ends up a draw.  But I was dumb for double blocking his 2/4 Vigilance.  All I needed to do was playing out another two power guy to play around Abzan Charm/Dragonscale boon.  

Anyways, the game ends up going to time.

Match 3: Mardu 0-2

Game 1:

Stumble on mana, end up losing to Aven Skirmisher plus Orc Sureshot and Alesha's Vanguard.  Ugh.

Game 2:

Lost to Orc Sureshot taking out 5 of my creatures.  Eventually I get overwhelmed by weenie creatures and die.   Where's my Arcbond??

Match 4:  Abzan 2-1

Game 1:

My opponent plays Hooded Assassin and Armament Corps and Temur War shaman.  I feel like I'm outclassed here with my crappy 2/1's.   I make a bad block on Armament Corps with my Frost Walker + Arashin Cleric.  I should have blocked the Armament Corps with my Frost Walker + Abzan Skycaptain, so the bolster trigger would make my Arashin Cleric into a 3/5.   Anyways, I end up losing that game after he plays Lightform.

Game 2:

I board out my crappy two drops, into Gore Swines and Hungering Yeti. 

Game 3:

Whisk Away does work vs. Lightform.  Thankfully it wasn't Cloudform (which gives hexproof).  

Again, this is a grindy match.   Eventually, Dragonscale General + morphed Efreet Weaponmaster + Gore Swine + Abzan Skycaptain + some timely removal spells (Sandblast + Channel Harm) allow me to eke out a win.

Result:  2-1-1, 3 booster packs

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