Monday, November 17, 2014

11/14/14 Late standard report (1-2)

I took a half day off from work on Friday.  I left for Anime Imports, but it turned out there was a bunch of traffic, so I made a right turn to go to Versus Games instead for their 4 pm standard.  The 4 pm Standard tournament was kinda low (5 people until I got there with two friends).  The draft had 7 people.  I thought about leaving the standard to draft instead, but that would have left the standard tournament with 7 people. 

This is the deck I played:

Match 1:  Jeskai Ascendancy/Tempo hybrid (2-1)

Game 1:

I barely win this game thanks to all my burn spells keeping his Seekers of the Way under control, even though he had Jeskai Ascendancy online.

Game 2:

Lose to Disdainful Stroke and End Hostilities, plus Seeker of the Way beatdown + burn.

Game 3:

I win this game because my opponent gets stuck on 2 lands for a few turns, and I had turn 3 Brimaz. I burn away his first Seeker of the Way.  Then I punt here, when I attack with Brimaz, and have Brimaz + two tokens attacking.  I decide to hold up mana to use Devouring Light on his Seeker of the Way.after blocks.   I could have played Mantis Rider, and just used Mantis Rider + tokens to convoke Devouring Light after blocks.

Match 2:    Abzan Midrange (0-2)

Game 1:

Opponent's playing maindeck Drown in Sorrows in Abzan, kills my Hushwing Gryff.

Lost to Reaper of the Wilds + Elspeth

Game 2:

This game lasted a bit longer, but ultimately I still ended losing to double Courser + double Siege Rhino.

Match 3: G/b devotion (0-2)

Game 1:

I thought I had this game, but multiple Courser of Kruphix into Hornet Queen meant I died.

Game 2:

Turn 4 Whip with no answer on my part, was pretty bad news.

 I punted here.  Had my opponent down to 6. She attacked with a Courser of Kruphix, which would gain her 2 life.  I had the choice to Stoke the Flames her, or Stoke the Flames the Courser.  I stoked the Courser.  Of course, then I topdeck a mountain to play the Stormbreath Dragon in my hand, which eats a Hero's Downfall.  I top an End Hostilities, but due to card advantage from Eidolon of Blossoms + Courser of Kruphix, I can't win.

Result:  1-2

A frustrating tournament for me.   I lost to Abzan which was fine, because I was an underdog there. But I lost to G/b devotion which is normally a good matchup for me.

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