Monday, May 4, 2015

5/4/15 Tribals and tribulations of Abzan aggro

5/3 standard tournament  2-1

Round 1:  UB control

Game 1:  Lost to T3 Ashiok

Game 2:  I had Thoughseize for Ashiok, eventually I was down to just Siege Rhino.  I swung in for lethal, flashed in a Pearl Lake Ancient, I had one of my Hero's Downfall for it, and he scooped.

Game 3:  This was a closer game, but eventually I killed him Sorin Vampire token a Rakshasa Deathdealer, and an Anafenza.   I punted during the game by sacrificing a Windswept Heath when I had all four of my basic lands in play.  He had Urborg in play so I basically just paid one life to stone rain myself.   Eventually, Raksasha Deathdealer took down his Silumgar DD, and my opponent ran out of answers.

Round 2:

Game 1:  Pretty uneventful, two Raskasha Deathdealers died, but Fleecemane Lion + Anafenza took it home.

Game 2:  Flooded out pretty bad, lost to Ojutai/Silumgar DD.

Game 3:   Longer grindier game.  I went through all three of my Self-Inflicted Wound to kill his Dragonlord Ojutai (twice). 

Round 3: 

Game 1:  Mulled to 6, kept a 2 Thoughtseize Hand, promptly got killed by mass tokens + Atarka's Command.

Game 2:  I took some pain from my mana sources, and my opponent had two Roast for my first two creatures.  Then I died to tokens again.  I think I need to go up to 3 or 4 Drown in Sorrow.

5/4 standard tournament 0-2 drop

Round 1:  Sultai Whip 1-2

Game 1: Mulled to 6, Rakshasa Deathdealer + Anafenza took it down.

Game 2:  Mulled to 6, kept a 2 lander, promptly didn't draw a 3rd land until it was far too late, died to Satyr Wayfinder beats, plus taking damage from my own lands, and a Sidisi.

Game 3:  Mulled to 6, lost to severe floodage, and Torrent Elemental kept coming back. 

Round 2:  Mardu midrange 0-2

Game 1:  Mulled to 6, kept Mana Confluence, Caves of Koilos, 4 spells.  Promptly take a ton of damage from my own painlands, and die.

Game 2:  Mulled to 6, kept a reasonable hand, but my creatures died to burn spells, and my opponent played double Hordeling Outburst into Brimaz.   Even a Sorin ultimate emblem didn't help, because he had so many tokens.  I should have boarded into Drown in Sorrow.

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