I went to Versus Games to play this game.
Match 1 Game 1:
My opponent's a regular constructed grinder.
I lose the roll. I open with the Exarch/Splinter Twin combo in hand, but need to find a decent situation to use it. Turn 1 Faithless Looting into turn 2 Grisly Salvage into a turn 3 second Grisly Salvage and Faithless Looting.
I Remand a couple of his flashback Faithless Lootings (value). I punt by discarding Tarmogoyf and Spell Snare when I had 8 cards in hand. For some reason I thought I had 9 cards.
He plays Necrotic Ooze, and I have Cryptic Command in hand with Dig Through Time and Deceiver Exarch. I check his graveyard, see Boborygmos Enraged and Griselbrand and Lotleth Troll and let it resolve. ??? For some reason I tap out for Dig Through Time, he domes me with 4 lands and a Soul Spike.
Match 1 Game 2:
He discards Griselbrand to Faithless Looting again.
I counter his first Goryo's Vengeance with Negate. Unfortunately, while I'm tapped too low to Snapcaster Mage-Negate he plays a second Goryo's Vengrance and kills me with Griselbrand into Fury of the Horde.
Match 2 Game 1:
This guy accused me of cheating during a BNG/THS/THS draft, which is why I stopped attending FNM there. Anyways, I try to play the game without saying much. Of course, my opponent (and his friends) like to make comments about my card choices during the match, constantly).
I lose the roll, but turn 1 Twisted Image on his Birds of Paradise = value.
Shadow of Doubt to kill one of his fetchlands, almost punt by trying to crack a fetchland afterwards. Woops. He's attacking with Kitchen Finks, but it doesn't matter because I have double Tarmogoyf. Vendilion Clique to tuck his Archangel of Thune and Remand for his Eidolon of Rhetoric lets me swing for lethal.
Match 2 Game 2:
Turn 1 Twisted Image on Noble Hierarch = Sweet. Anger of the Gods wipes away a Kitchen Finks, a Birds of Paradise, a Voice of Resurgence token, and a spellskite with 1 damage on it from Deceiver Exarch. Of course, he has another Spellskite, into Birthing Pod, sac Spellskite, get Eternal Witness, play Spellskite. I Ancient Grudge his Birthing Pod, he Shriekmaw's my Tarmogoyf. I attack with double Snapcaster Mage, he blocks one with Shriekmaw. Then I lose to topdeck Archangel of Thune.
Match 2 Game 3:
I had the combo in hand but it didn't matter since he had turn 1 mana dork, turn 2 Wall of Roots, turn 3 Thoughtseize to remove my Splinter Twin. When I Vendilion Clique'd my opponent he had double Murderous Cut.
Game went to time.
Match 3 Game 1:
This guy is a visitor from out of town.
I lose the roll, mull to 6, opponent is playing vampires, and main Surgical Extraction on my Lightning Bolt. I end up kiling opponent with triple Tarmogoyf.
Match 3 Game 2:
I play around Surgical Extraction, by not playing Tarmogoyf until I have Dispel or Negate in hand. I counter his Surgical Extraction when he goes for it. Then he plays Surgical Extraction targeting my last Tarmogoyf. He starts picking away at my life with Bloodghast, which I remove with Anger of the Gods. Then he plays another Surgical Extraction on my Anger of the Gods. I'm down to 1 life, and eventually win off Desolate Lighthouse into Batterskull into Batterskull.
Unfortunately, I'm 1-1-1, and there were 9 people in the modern, and I ended up out of prize contention. That's fine, at least I ddn't run into any "nerd-ragers" during the draft.
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