Went over to San Jose for Mini-master and Team Sealed practice.
Ended up making it to the top 8 of my mini-master pod (won 3 matches). I had Brutal Hordechief, Alesha Who Smiles at Death, and Temur Sabertooth in my deck.
Third match my opponent played Atarka and Tasigur. However, I managed to slowly drain him out with Brutal Hordechief. Douse in Gloom + Hooded Assassin + Temur Sabertooth = value as well. My opponent was mad at me post-game because he said I missed an onboard kill several turns ago, by forcing all his creatures to gang-block one of my creatures, while the other one got in for damage. Woops.
Unfortunately, I lost the fourth match vs Shu Yun tempo deck. It was a mistake to not have Arcbond in my deck, because I think it could have saved me (if I drew it) during the second game. A board wipe (even if it requires setup) is pretty powerful.
In the Team Sealed, I played a Sultai deck with Crux of Fate, Palace Siege, and Sandsteppe Mastodon. I had Shamanic Revelation and Soulflayer in the sideboard. I didn't really have the creatures to make Soulflayer better than Gurmag Angler, and I had better spells than Shamanic Revelation to play, though I could have seen sideboarding into it, during grindy matchups.
I went 2-1 with Jeskai aggro, then 1-0 vs. black/white aggro, then 0-2 vs. Jeskai aggro.
My first match I lost my second game due to getting stuck on mana and not having enough anti-flyer hate.
First match third game I played some aggro creatures, while my opponent was stuck on aggro spells.
My second match first game I mulled to 5 (and my opponent mulled to 5). He got me down to 10, then I topdecked a land for Crux of Fate to save me from his ground guys. Then I had to play Dead Drop to kill his lone Wardscale Dragon. I was now at 6, but then I played Gurmag Angler and Sandsteppe Mastodon to swing for large amounts. My opponent said "nice mull to 5" and I said "thanks!"
Second match second game my opponent goes on the aggro plan with Soul Summons into Molting Snakesin. Then he played High Sentinels of Arashin (which I gladly 2 for 1'd myself playing Hunt the Weak on my Typhoid Rats targeting his High Sentinels) and then Mastery of the Unseen. Unfortunately, I only boarded into one Return to the Earth (instead of two or three like I had in my sideboard). He got eight activations off Mastery of the Unseen, hitting several creatures, before I was able to draw my Return to the Earth to kill it. Then I draw my Crux of Fate. I have Sultai Flayer and several fatties in play. I decided to swing with all my guys, including my Sultai Flayer, which was my mistake. Of course, he kills my flayer, and choosed to chump my fatties, instead of blocking with his two hateblades, or his 4/2 regenerating manifest. So I play Crux of Fate post combat, destroying all creatures except my Noxious Dragon and go to 13. Time gets called, he swings at me with a Mardu Shadowspear (wtf) and his 4/2, taking me down to 7. Next turn I play Frontier Mastodon and then he scoops (begrudgingly).
Third match first game, my opponent curves out into Monastery Swiftspear into Jeskai Sage into Jeskai Windscout into Jeskai Windscout. I have Crux of Fate to kill his dudes. But then he plays Ojutai and I have no way to get rid of it.
Third match second game, I get stuck with two Archer's Parapet, while my opponent plays Jeskai Sage x 3 into Aven Surveyor + Cunning Strike for lethal.
So for my efforts today, I end up with 25 dollars spent (for the team sealed) and 60 prize tix.
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