Monday, October 27, 2014

10/26/14 Losing my dice (KTK draft 1-1 drop, Standard Jeskai aggro 2-1)

I went to Versus Games to draft today.  I signed up for a 1 pm and 4 pm draft.

P1P1:  Trail of Mystery

P2P1:  Duneblast

P3P1:  Pearl Lake Ancient over Abzan Charm.

Unfortunately, someone was forcing 5 color, so I couldn't force 5 color Trail of Mystery morphs. 

Match 1:  Abzan mirror (1-0 went to time)

Game 1:

Duneblast 3 for 1, followed by Trail of Mystery making my morphs from chumps into champs, won me this game.

Game 2:

This game went to time.  My opponent had removal for all my relevant creatures, so I had to try and grind him down with Archer's Parapet.  Unfortunately, he was left at 2 life, on turn 5.

Match 2:  Mardu (0-2)

Game 1:

He killed me with the Kheru Bloodsucker + War-Name Aspirant + double Ainok Bond-Kin + Act of Treason + Rush of Battle combo.

Game 2:

I boarded into Death Frenzy for his deck.  I managed to kill 3 goblin tokens, a Ponyback Rider, and a morphed Ponyback Rider.  However, I still lost when he topdecked creatures, and I didn't draw any of my creatures.  Of course, he also "had" Arrow Storm and Arc Lightning.  Still had all deez..

 It was 3:36 at this point.  I knew I was not going to be able to make my 4 pm draft at this point.  So I dropped out of the 1 pm draft (which I was playing in) and the 4 pm draft as well.  I headed over to Anime Imports to play in the 4 pm constructed event.

I played Ben Stark's Jeskai aggro list.

Match 1:  Abzan aggro (0-2)

Game 1:

I had my opponent down to 1 life, and he topdecked Sorin to gain 14 life.  Even though I killed Sorin after that, I couldn't win after that, since he had a monstrous Fleecemane Lion.

Game 2:

I tried to play the "control route" but lost to Rakshasa Deathdealer because I didn't board into Banishing Light.

I get kinda tilty after this, and leave the table.  Apparently I lost my Chessex Borealis Aquerple dice during this time.  

Match 2:   Abzan midrange (2-1)

Game 1:

I mull to 4, promptly lose to double Siege Rhino.

Game 2:

I manage to win off Mantis Rider + topdeck land for double Lightning Strike.

Game 3:

This game got super grindy, between all my control spells and my opponent's removal spells.  Eventually I topdecked a Stoke the Flames for the win.

I kinda punt when my opponent plays Siege Rhino.  I have Disdainful Stroke and Nullify in hand.  I thought to save the Nullify for a Courser of Kruphix.  I counter the Rhino with Disdainful Stroke, then she plays Elspeth the next turn then +1.  EoT I use Stoke the Flames, and hope to topdeck a Mantis Rider or burn spell, which I topdeck a Mantis Rider, and kill Elspeth.   She then kills my Mantis Rider next turn, and I'm taking 3 per turn from soldier tokens for a bit.

Also, when I cast Dig Through Time, I have a choice between Brimaz, Banishing Light, and Negate.  I should have just put the Brimaz at the bottom, since there wasn't a chance I was winning through creature aggro through all the removal spells.   The Negate would have helped me protect a creature or counter another planeswalker.

Match 3:  Boros Blitz (2-0)

Game 1:

My opponent dealt 11 damage to me in one turn with Monastery Swiftspear and double Titan's Strength.  Unfortunately, I then Magma Jet'ed his only creature, and he couldn't draw another one.

Game 2:

I mull to 4, but keep a land with Seeker of the Way, two lands, and Anger of the Gods.   My opponent goes Swiftspear x 2, and takes me down to 14.  When I play Anger of the Gods, he doesn't have a way to pump his dudes, so they die.   I then play Rabblemaster next turn, and Seeker of the Way the following turn.  He plays Soldier of the Pantheon into Dragon Mantle, and I Magma Spray his Soldier in response.  He can't save his guy so I get the two for one.    Next turn when I attack all out, he Deflecting Palm's my Rabblemaster so I go from 12 to 7 life.  But then he concedes after his next draw step.

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