Saturday, October 18, 2014

10/18/14 Jeskai Skies (Game Day 3-1)

I went to Gamescape North today.  25 people showed up (which is the most I've ever seen at at a Game Day).  They decided to do only 4 rounds, no cut to single elimination rounds at all.  So only the two people who went 4-0 would be getting the playmat.


Match 1:  Mardu midrange (2-0)

Game 1:

Opponent missed a Goblin Rabblemaster trigges.  I could assume he was just playing the Goblin Rabblemaster post combat, since he didn't say anything.  This turned out to be relevant, because I ended the game at 1 life.

I burned him out on the back of triple Jeskai Charm.

Game 2:

My opponent missed a Goblin Rabblemaster trigger again.  We have dueling Ashcloud Phoenixes, and I have a Sarkhan.  Sarkhan ends up closing out the game for me.

Match 2:  G/b Devotion (2-0)

Game 1:

My opponent plays a Doomwake Giant, but I'm able to race with Mantis Rider + Jeskai Charm.

Game 2:

Suspension Field + Disdainful Stroke does work here.

Match 3:  G/R Devotion (1-2)

Game 1:

I kinda punt this game, when my opponent plays Xenagos and has a Courser in play.  I play Stoke the Flames to kill Xenagos, then attack my opponent with Mantis Rider.  I should have used Stoke the Flames on the Courser, and kill Xenagos by attacking with Mantis Rider.  I forgot Xenagos only has 3 loyalty when he comes into play.

Game 2:

My opponent draws four Coursers this game.  I kill one with Stoke the Flames, but I can't race him gaining 3 life per turn.  

Game 3:

I mull to 4, my opponent plays a turn 4 Polukranos, turn 5 Arbor Colossus.  I draw Suspension Field for the Arbor Colossus, but he plays Reclamation Sage next turn. 

Match 4:  Sultai Control (2-0)

Game 1:

My opponent plays a Raksasha Deathdealer, which I nuke down with Magma Jet.

My opponent tries to race me with Sidisi, but I race him down with Sarkhan and Jeskai Charms.  

Game 2:

Opponent played a couple Rakshasa Deathdealers.  Of course, I have plenty of burn to get rid of them.  I finish the game with Keranos, God of Storms. 

 Result:  3-1, got six booster packs, and a couple promo Utter End.

I was 5th place out of 25.  1st was Abzan, 2nd was G/r Devotion, 3rd/4th were Abzan.   So I was the highest ranked person playing Jeskai. 

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