I went to Versus Games for the 7 pm KTK draft.
P1P1: Polluted Delta over Chief of the Edge
P1P2: Sandsteppe Citadel over Nomad Outpost and crap.
P1P3: Kin-Tree Invocation over Opulent Palace.
I just end up taking mana fixing, thinking I'll go five color.
Black cards dry up in this pack. I start moving into blue/green.
P2P1: Howl of the Horde was the rare. I don't remember what I took.
P2P3: Savage Knuckleblade. Now I badly need red mana fixing.
P3P1: Ugin's Nexus was the rare. I think I slammed a Rugged Highlands.
Final deck:
I didn't quite get enough mana fixing to make Temur great. Also I was missing Snowhorn Riders (but I would also needed the Swiftwater Cliffs or Thornwood Falls to make that work).
Mistake: I passed a third Mystic of the Hidden Way for a Mistfire Weaver.
Also I think this deck needed a Barrage of Boulders (I passed one).
Match 1: 4 color stuff
Game 1:
Lose to Kheru Lich Lord and flyers.
Game 2:
Lose to Rakshasa Vizier, Rakshasa Deathdealer, and Dead Drop.
Match 2: 4 color stuff
Game 1:
I board into Temur Ascendancy for this game.
Opponent plays a Sorin, and gains 11 life from it, but I still manage to win, after killing Sorin.
I win off a hasty Tusked Colossodon from Temur Ascendancy (and a draw a card for value).
Game 2:
I end up with a durdly draw, and he's got some removal spells.
He plays Abomination of Gudul and Sultai Scavenger and I have no answers.
Game 3:
Barely beat the opponent, thanks to EoT Temur Charm on Archer's Parapet, swing for lethal.
Game 3:
Match 3: 5 color stuff
Game 1:
Keep a 3 lander on the play, died to Alabaster Kirin and Shambling Attendants.
Game 2:
Opponent played High Sentinels of Arashin, I manage to kill it with Savage Knuckleblade into Savage Punch, but didn't have red mana to haste Savage Knuckleblade to attack that turn.
Game gets super grindy with my opponent playing Shambling Attendants into Rotting Mastodon into Longshot Squad and Incremental Growth, then a Woolly Loxodon. I bounce his Longshot Squad end of turn, topdeck Temur Charm, play it, and he concedes.
Game 3:
Ended up losing to Longshot Squad + Ainok Bond-kin into double Woolly Loxodon. Ainok Bond-kin and Longshot Squad basically shut down all my offense.
Result: 1-2
I had Temur Ascendancy in the deck for one game, but took it out for Weave Fate aftterwards. I felt like I wasn't playing enough 4+ power guys to trigger it, like Snowhorn Rider or Woolly Loxodon. Maybe I have played both of the Whirlwind Adepts, just to trigger Temur Ascendancy.
Monday, October 27, 2014
10/26/14 Losing my dice (KTK draft 1-1 drop, Standard Jeskai aggro 2-1)
I went to Versus Games to draft today. I signed up for a 1 pm and 4 pm draft.
P1P1: Trail of Mystery
P2P1: Duneblast
P3P1: Pearl Lake Ancient over Abzan Charm.
Unfortunately, someone was forcing 5 color, so I couldn't force 5 color Trail of Mystery morphs.
Match 1: Abzan mirror (1-0 went to time)
Game 1:
Duneblast 3 for 1, followed by Trail of Mystery making my morphs from chumps into champs, won me this game.
Game 2:
This game went to time. My opponent had removal for all my relevant creatures, so I had to try and grind him down with Archer's Parapet. Unfortunately, he was left at 2 life, on turn 5.
Match 2: Mardu (0-2)
Game 1:
He killed me with the Kheru Bloodsucker + War-Name Aspirant + double Ainok Bond-Kin + Act of Treason + Rush of Battle combo.
Game 2:
I boarded into Death Frenzy for his deck. I managed to kill 3 goblin tokens, a Ponyback Rider, and a morphed Ponyback Rider. However, I still lost when he topdecked creatures, and I didn't draw any of my creatures. Of course, he also "had" Arrow Storm and Arc Lightning. Still had all deez..
It was 3:36 at this point. I knew I was not going to be able to make my 4 pm draft at this point. So I dropped out of the 1 pm draft (which I was playing in) and the 4 pm draft as well. I headed over to Anime Imports to play in the 4 pm constructed event.
I played Ben Stark's Jeskai aggro list.
Match 1: Abzan aggro (0-2)
Game 1:
I had my opponent down to 1 life, and he topdecked Sorin to gain 14 life. Even though I killed Sorin after that, I couldn't win after that, since he had a monstrous Fleecemane Lion.
Game 2:
I tried to play the "control route" but lost to Rakshasa Deathdealer because I didn't board into Banishing Light.
I get kinda tilty after this, and leave the table. Apparently I lost my Chessex Borealis Aquerple dice during this time.
Match 2: Abzan midrange (2-1)
Game 1:
I mull to 4, promptly lose to double Siege Rhino.
Game 2:
I manage to win off Mantis Rider + topdeck land for double Lightning Strike.
Game 3:
This game got super grindy, between all my control spells and my opponent's removal spells. Eventually I topdecked a Stoke the Flames for the win.
I kinda punt when my opponent plays Siege Rhino. I have Disdainful Stroke and Nullify in hand. I thought to save the Nullify for a Courser of Kruphix. I counter the Rhino with Disdainful Stroke, then she plays Elspeth the next turn then +1. EoT I use Stoke the Flames, and hope to topdeck a Mantis Rider or burn spell, which I topdeck a Mantis Rider, and kill Elspeth. She then kills my Mantis Rider next turn, and I'm taking 3 per turn from soldier tokens for a bit.
Also, when I cast Dig Through Time, I have a choice between Brimaz, Banishing Light, and Negate. I should have just put the Brimaz at the bottom, since there wasn't a chance I was winning through creature aggro through all the removal spells. The Negate would have helped me protect a creature or counter another planeswalker.
Match 3: Boros Blitz (2-0)
Game 1:
My opponent dealt 11 damage to me in one turn with Monastery Swiftspear and double Titan's Strength. Unfortunately, I then Magma Jet'ed his only creature, and he couldn't draw another one.
Game 2:
I mull to 4, but keep a land with Seeker of the Way, two lands, and Anger of the Gods. My opponent goes Swiftspear x 2, and takes me down to 14. When I play Anger of the Gods, he doesn't have a way to pump his dudes, so they die. I then play Rabblemaster next turn, and Seeker of the Way the following turn. He plays Soldier of the Pantheon into Dragon Mantle, and I Magma Spray his Soldier in response. He can't save his guy so I get the two for one. Next turn when I attack all out, he Deflecting Palm's my Rabblemaster so I go from 12 to 7 life. But then he concedes after his next draw step.
P1P1: Trail of Mystery
P2P1: Duneblast
P3P1: Pearl Lake Ancient over Abzan Charm.
Unfortunately, someone was forcing 5 color, so I couldn't force 5 color Trail of Mystery morphs.
Match 1: Abzan mirror (1-0 went to time)
Game 1:
Duneblast 3 for 1, followed by Trail of Mystery making my morphs from chumps into champs, won me this game.
Game 2:
This game went to time. My opponent had removal for all my relevant creatures, so I had to try and grind him down with Archer's Parapet. Unfortunately, he was left at 2 life, on turn 5.
Match 2: Mardu (0-2)
Game 1:
He killed me with the Kheru Bloodsucker + War-Name Aspirant + double Ainok Bond-Kin + Act of Treason + Rush of Battle combo.
Game 2:
I boarded into Death Frenzy for his deck. I managed to kill 3 goblin tokens, a Ponyback Rider, and a morphed Ponyback Rider. However, I still lost when he topdecked creatures, and I didn't draw any of my creatures. Of course, he also "had" Arrow Storm and Arc Lightning. Still had all deez..
It was 3:36 at this point. I knew I was not going to be able to make my 4 pm draft at this point. So I dropped out of the 1 pm draft (which I was playing in) and the 4 pm draft as well. I headed over to Anime Imports to play in the 4 pm constructed event.
I played Ben Stark's Jeskai aggro list.
Match 1: Abzan aggro (0-2)
Game 1:
I had my opponent down to 1 life, and he topdecked Sorin to gain 14 life. Even though I killed Sorin after that, I couldn't win after that, since he had a monstrous Fleecemane Lion.
Game 2:
I tried to play the "control route" but lost to Rakshasa Deathdealer because I didn't board into Banishing Light.
I get kinda tilty after this, and leave the table. Apparently I lost my Chessex Borealis Aquerple dice during this time.
Match 2: Abzan midrange (2-1)
Game 1:
I mull to 4, promptly lose to double Siege Rhino.
Game 2:
I manage to win off Mantis Rider + topdeck land for double Lightning Strike.
Game 3:
This game got super grindy, between all my control spells and my opponent's removal spells. Eventually I topdecked a Stoke the Flames for the win.
I kinda punt when my opponent plays Siege Rhino. I have Disdainful Stroke and Nullify in hand. I thought to save the Nullify for a Courser of Kruphix. I counter the Rhino with Disdainful Stroke, then she plays Elspeth the next turn then +1. EoT I use Stoke the Flames, and hope to topdeck a Mantis Rider or burn spell, which I topdeck a Mantis Rider, and kill Elspeth. She then kills my Mantis Rider next turn, and I'm taking 3 per turn from soldier tokens for a bit.
Also, when I cast Dig Through Time, I have a choice between Brimaz, Banishing Light, and Negate. I should have just put the Brimaz at the bottom, since there wasn't a chance I was winning through creature aggro through all the removal spells. The Negate would have helped me protect a creature or counter another planeswalker.
Match 3: Boros Blitz (2-0)
Game 1:
My opponent dealt 11 damage to me in one turn with Monastery Swiftspear and double Titan's Strength. Unfortunately, I then Magma Jet'ed his only creature, and he couldn't draw another one.
Game 2:
I mull to 4, but keep a land with Seeker of the Way, two lands, and Anger of the Gods. My opponent goes Swiftspear x 2, and takes me down to 14. When I play Anger of the Gods, he doesn't have a way to pump his dudes, so they die. I then play Rabblemaster next turn, and Seeker of the Way the following turn. He plays Soldier of the Pantheon into Dragon Mantle, and I Magma Spray his Soldier in response. He can't save his guy so I get the two for one. Next turn when I attack all out, he Deflecting Palm's my Rabblemaster so I go from 12 to 7 life. But then he concedes after his next draw step.
Saturday, October 25, 2014
10/24/14 Rainbow bright FNM KTK draft 2-1
45 people showed up to draft at Gamescape North
Result 2-1
Result 2-1
Saturday, October 18, 2014
10/18/14 Jeskai Skies (Game Day 3-1)
I went to Gamescape North today. 25 people showed up (which is the most I've ever seen at at a Game Day). They decided to do only 4 rounds, no cut to single elimination rounds at all. So only the two people who went 4-0 would be getting the playmat.
Match 1: Mardu midrange (2-0)
Game 1:
Opponent missed a Goblin Rabblemaster trigges. I could assume he was just playing the Goblin Rabblemaster post combat, since he didn't say anything. This turned out to be relevant, because I ended the game at 1 life.
I burned him out on the back of triple Jeskai Charm.
Game 2:
My opponent missed a Goblin Rabblemaster trigger again. We have dueling Ashcloud Phoenixes, and I have a Sarkhan. Sarkhan ends up closing out the game for me.
Match 2: G/b Devotion (2-0)
Game 1:
My opponent plays a Doomwake Giant, but I'm able to race with Mantis Rider + Jeskai Charm.
Game 2:
Suspension Field + Disdainful Stroke does work here.
Match 3: G/R Devotion (1-2)
Game 1:
I kinda punt this game, when my opponent plays Xenagos and has a Courser in play. I play Stoke the Flames to kill Xenagos, then attack my opponent with Mantis Rider. I should have used Stoke the Flames on the Courser, and kill Xenagos by attacking with Mantis Rider. I forgot Xenagos only has 3 loyalty when he comes into play.
Game 2:
My opponent draws four Coursers this game. I kill one with Stoke the Flames, but I can't race him gaining 3 life per turn.
Game 3:
I mull to 4, my opponent plays a turn 4 Polukranos, turn 5 Arbor Colossus. I draw Suspension Field for the Arbor Colossus, but he plays Reclamation Sage next turn.
Match 4: Sultai Control (2-0)
Game 1:
My opponent plays a Raksasha Deathdealer, which I nuke down with Magma Jet.
My opponent tries to race me with Sidisi, but I race him down with Sarkhan and Jeskai Charms.
Game 2:
Opponent played a couple Rakshasa Deathdealers. Of course, I have plenty of burn to get rid of them. I finish the game with Keranos, God of Storms.
Result: 3-1, got six booster packs, and a couple promo Utter End.
I was 5th place out of 25. 1st was Abzan, 2nd was G/r Devotion, 3rd/4th were Abzan. So I was the highest ranked person playing Jeskai.
Match 1: Mardu midrange (2-0)
Game 1:
Opponent missed a Goblin Rabblemaster trigges. I could assume he was just playing the Goblin Rabblemaster post combat, since he didn't say anything. This turned out to be relevant, because I ended the game at 1 life.
I burned him out on the back of triple Jeskai Charm.
Game 2:
My opponent missed a Goblin Rabblemaster trigger again. We have dueling Ashcloud Phoenixes, and I have a Sarkhan. Sarkhan ends up closing out the game for me.
Match 2: G/b Devotion (2-0)
Game 1:
My opponent plays a Doomwake Giant, but I'm able to race with Mantis Rider + Jeskai Charm.
Game 2:
Suspension Field + Disdainful Stroke does work here.
Match 3: G/R Devotion (1-2)
Game 1:
I kinda punt this game, when my opponent plays Xenagos and has a Courser in play. I play Stoke the Flames to kill Xenagos, then attack my opponent with Mantis Rider. I should have used Stoke the Flames on the Courser, and kill Xenagos by attacking with Mantis Rider. I forgot Xenagos only has 3 loyalty when he comes into play.
Game 2:
My opponent draws four Coursers this game. I kill one with Stoke the Flames, but I can't race him gaining 3 life per turn.
Game 3:
I mull to 4, my opponent plays a turn 4 Polukranos, turn 5 Arbor Colossus. I draw Suspension Field for the Arbor Colossus, but he plays Reclamation Sage next turn.
Match 4: Sultai Control (2-0)
Game 1:
My opponent plays a Raksasha Deathdealer, which I nuke down with Magma Jet.
My opponent tries to race me with Sidisi, but I race him down with Sarkhan and Jeskai Charms.
Game 2:
Opponent played a couple Rakshasa Deathdealers. Of course, I have plenty of burn to get rid of them. I finish the game with Keranos, God of Storms.
Result: 3-1, got six booster packs, and a couple promo Utter End.
I was 5th place out of 25. 1st was Abzan, 2nd was G/r Devotion, 3rd/4th were Abzan. So I was the highest ranked person playing Jeskai.
10/13/14 Getting the short stick (KTK 0-1 drop)
I went over to Versus Games for the 4 pm draft.
P1P1: Bloodstained Mire
P1P2: Crater's Claws
P2P1: Master of Pearls
P3P1: Windswept Heath
Unfortunately the deck ended up as a pile. I lost my first match to a Temur deck who got Ashcloud Phoenix both games. So I ended up leaving after round 1, so I could focus on cleaning my apartment.
P1P1: Bloodstained Mire
P1P2: Crater's Claws
P2P1: Master of Pearls
P3P1: Windswept Heath
Unfortunately the deck ended up as a pile. I lost my first match to a Temur deck who got Ashcloud Phoenix both games. So I ended up leaving after round 1, so I could focus on cleaning my apartment.
Friday, October 17, 2014
10/17/14 Mambo number 5 (KTK FNM draft 2-0-1)
I went to Gamescape North for the FNM draft. I got there kind of late because I left my wallet at home. I had to drive home (through traffic) to go and get it, and didn't arrive until 5:45 p.m. I ended up in a pretty tough pod, with 2 pretty experienced drafters on my right and left.
P1P1: End Hostilities
I made a mistake taking a 2nd Leaping Master over a 2nd Swiftwater Cliffs. I ended up not playing Red as a main color, so extra fixing would have been appreciated.
P2P1: Alabaster Kirin over Anafenza.
I took a Kill Shot over Mystic of the Hidden Way. I never saw another Mystic of the Hidden Way, but I did see a Kill Shot in pack 3, which I passed for Highspire Mantis.
P3P1: Kheru Spellthief over Abzan Falconer, Jeskai Charm, and Ainok Bond-kin. Probably a mistake, since Kheru Spellthief was pretty mediocre.
I drafted four Scaldkin during the draft (not highly mind you) but ended up not playing any of them in my main deck.
1 Dragon's Eye Savants
1 Jeskai Windscout
1 Monastery Flock
1 Mistfire Weaver
1 Kheru Spellsnatcher
1 Force Away
1 Singing Bell Strike
1 Treasure Cruise
1 Ainok Bond-Kin
1 Abzan Falconer
1 Watcher of the Roost
2 Alabaster Kirin
1 Feast of Resistance
1 Kill Shot
1 End Hostilities
1 Highspire Mantis
3 Efreet Weaponmaster
1 Ride Down
1 Master the Way
2 Swiftwater Cliffs
2 Tranquil Cove
6 Island
6 Plains
2 Mountain
1 Jeskai Student
1 Salt Road Patrol
4 Scaldkin
1 Glacial Stalker
1 Blinding Spray
2 Leaping Master
1 Bloodfire Mentor
1 Barrage of Boulders
1 Arrow Storm
1 Kin-Tree Warden
1 Longshot Squad
1 Woolly Loxodon
Match 1: Sultai (2-0)
Game 2:
I made a mistake by letting him tap Embodiment of Spring to sacrifice it the turn after he played it (it still has summoning sickness). The only reason I noticed this, is because he played a second Embodiment of Spring the next turn, and I told him he couldn't tap and sacrifice it because it still has summoning sickness.
Match 2: Abzan insane rares (1-1 draw)
Game 1:
I have to cast End Hostilities as a 2 for 2, to kill High Sentinels of Arashin.
I tried to get fancy with playing Kheru Spellthief (face down) then trying to Force Away Anafenza later, and trying to steal Anafenza with the spellthief. Instead, he has Duneblast to 2 for 1 me.
I have to use Master the Way to kill Anafenza. I try to block Hooting Mandrills and Shambling Attendant with morph and Efreet Weaponmaster flip, but he has Become Immense to blow me out after blocks. I end up losing to Hooting Mandrills.
Game 2:
I have to cast End Hostilities as a 2 for 3 (I lose 2 of my creatures, and my End Hostilities) to kill his Alabaster Kirin + High Sentinels of Arashin.
I lose my Efreet Weaponmaster to Crackling Doom.
I made a mistake by playing a morph, then not outlasting my Ainok Bond-kin so it would get flying from my Abzan falconer. There was no reason for me to leave four mana up with my morph (my morph needed 5 to flip anyways). Game ends up going to time, so we draw.
He also had Ivorytusk Fortress in his deck.
Match 3: Abzan good stuff (2-1)
Game 1:
I proceed to draw 12 lands, and lose to Rakshasa Deathdealer pump to 10/10.
Game 2:
I kill Siege Rhino with Master the Way. Wow this guy's deck is nuts. Eventually he attacks with Rakshasa Deathdealer and plays Dragonscale Boon (for value). I Kill Shot it, so it ends up tapped from regen, then I attack for lethal next turn thanks to Efreet Weaponmaster flip.
Game 3:
I end up winning from Watcher of the Roost, Mistfire Weaver, and Alabaster Kirin flyer aggro.
Kind of annoying, he attacked with Temur Charger and Heir of the Wilds, and said he was casting Defiant Strike to pump his Heir of the Wilds to 3/3. I said I was going to Kill Shot the Temur Charger to prevent him from drawing the card, but he explained he was doing the Defiant Strike pre-combat (whatever). It didnd't matter anyways, since I end up winning with flyers.
Result: 2-0-1, 4 packs
P1P1: End Hostilities
I made a mistake taking a 2nd Leaping Master over a 2nd Swiftwater Cliffs. I ended up not playing Red as a main color, so extra fixing would have been appreciated.
P2P1: Alabaster Kirin over Anafenza.
I took a Kill Shot over Mystic of the Hidden Way. I never saw another Mystic of the Hidden Way, but I did see a Kill Shot in pack 3, which I passed for Highspire Mantis.
P3P1: Kheru Spellthief over Abzan Falconer, Jeskai Charm, and Ainok Bond-kin. Probably a mistake, since Kheru Spellthief was pretty mediocre.
I drafted four Scaldkin during the draft (not highly mind you) but ended up not playing any of them in my main deck.
1 Dragon's Eye Savants
1 Jeskai Windscout
1 Monastery Flock
1 Mistfire Weaver
1 Kheru Spellsnatcher
1 Force Away
1 Singing Bell Strike
1 Treasure Cruise
1 Ainok Bond-Kin
1 Abzan Falconer
1 Watcher of the Roost
2 Alabaster Kirin
1 Feast of Resistance
1 Kill Shot
1 End Hostilities
1 Highspire Mantis
3 Efreet Weaponmaster
1 Ride Down
1 Master the Way
2 Swiftwater Cliffs
2 Tranquil Cove
6 Island
6 Plains
2 Mountain
1 Jeskai Student
1 Salt Road Patrol
4 Scaldkin
1 Glacial Stalker
1 Blinding Spray
2 Leaping Master
1 Bloodfire Mentor
1 Barrage of Boulders
1 Arrow Storm
1 Kin-Tree Warden
1 Longshot Squad
1 Woolly Loxodon
Match 1: Sultai (2-0)
Game 2:
I made a mistake by letting him tap Embodiment of Spring to sacrifice it the turn after he played it (it still has summoning sickness). The only reason I noticed this, is because he played a second Embodiment of Spring the next turn, and I told him he couldn't tap and sacrifice it because it still has summoning sickness.
Match 2: Abzan insane rares (1-1 draw)
Game 1:
I have to cast End Hostilities as a 2 for 2, to kill High Sentinels of Arashin.
I tried to get fancy with playing Kheru Spellthief (face down) then trying to Force Away Anafenza later, and trying to steal Anafenza with the spellthief. Instead, he has Duneblast to 2 for 1 me.
I have to use Master the Way to kill Anafenza. I try to block Hooting Mandrills and Shambling Attendant with morph and Efreet Weaponmaster flip, but he has Become Immense to blow me out after blocks. I end up losing to Hooting Mandrills.
Game 2:
I have to cast End Hostilities as a 2 for 3 (I lose 2 of my creatures, and my End Hostilities) to kill his Alabaster Kirin + High Sentinels of Arashin.
I lose my Efreet Weaponmaster to Crackling Doom.
I made a mistake by playing a morph, then not outlasting my Ainok Bond-kin so it would get flying from my Abzan falconer. There was no reason for me to leave four mana up with my morph (my morph needed 5 to flip anyways). Game ends up going to time, so we draw.
He also had Ivorytusk Fortress in his deck.
Match 3: Abzan good stuff (2-1)
Game 1:
I proceed to draw 12 lands, and lose to Rakshasa Deathdealer pump to 10/10.
Game 2:
I kill Siege Rhino with Master the Way. Wow this guy's deck is nuts. Eventually he attacks with Rakshasa Deathdealer and plays Dragonscale Boon (for value). I Kill Shot it, so it ends up tapped from regen, then I attack for lethal next turn thanks to Efreet Weaponmaster flip.
Game 3:
I end up winning from Watcher of the Roost, Mistfire Weaver, and Alabaster Kirin flyer aggro.
Kind of annoying, he attacked with Temur Charger and Heir of the Wilds, and said he was casting Defiant Strike to pump his Heir of the Wilds to 3/3. I said I was going to Kill Shot the Temur Charger to prevent him from drawing the card, but he explained he was doing the Defiant Strike pre-combat (whatever). It didnd't matter anyways, since I end up winning with flyers.
Result: 2-0-1, 4 packs
Saturday, October 11, 2014
10/10/14 I will survive (FNM KTK Draft 2-1)
I went over to Gamescape North to play in the FNM KTK draft. The turnout was lower than usual (29 people).
P1P1 Siege Rhino
P1P2 Herald of Anafenza
P1P3 Hardened Scales (speculative pick over Ruthless Ripper, ended up not playing it)
P1P4 Abzan Ascendancy
P2P1 Rattleclaw Mystic ($) over Abzan Battle Priest
P3P1 Abzan Charm over Kheru Spellsnatcher
P3P2 Necropolis Fiend over something else I needed, but man I love Necropolis Fiend
I ended up with a lot of rares in my deck, and seven outlast guys. My other early game cards were a bit lacking (only one Archer's Parapet, no Debilitating Injury) and few morphs. I would rate this deck a 6/10.
Match 1: Abzan mirror (2-0)
Game 1:
My opponent plays Duneblast both games, but I manage to win the first game, and the second game stalls out because both of us got to over 30 life (I had Abzan Guide, he had Kheru Dreadmaw)
Match 2: BG (2-0)
Game 1:
I kept a sketchy hand with all 3 colors of mana, but no plays until turn 5. I almost die to Highland Game + Alpine Grizzly + Savage Punch for my first creature. But I end up stabilizing and killing him with Necropolis Fiend + Abzan Ascendancy tokens.
Game 2:
This game goes to time again, but I manage to kill my opponent on turn 5, despite a slow play warning (?) from the judge.
Match 3: Jeskai good stuff (0-2)
Game 1:
I mull to 5, keep a 2 lander. I play Archer's Parapet, my opponent has Crippling Chill and Singing Bell Strike for it. I die to Scaldkin + Leaping master, and never draw a 3rd land.
Game 2:
I mull to 6, keep a 5 lander, Ainok Bond-kin. I draw an Abzan Falconer. My opponent's first play is Monastery Flock, face up. He has Bring Low for my Abzan Falconer, and Force Away for my Ainok Bond-kin. My opponent plays a Scaldkin, a Sage of the Inward Eye, two Efreet Weaponmasters, and a Singing Bell Strike for my Longshot Squad. I end up stabilizing at 2 life, but then he plays a Leaping Master and I draw Rattleclaw Mystic, instead of a reach/flying guy.
I felt like I played Game 2 pretty tight, unlike how I usually throw away my last two games of the night. I think I was just in a good mood.
Result: 2-1
I opened Mardu Ascendancy (eww) and Hooded Hydra (shrug)
P1P1 Siege Rhino
P1P2 Herald of Anafenza
P1P3 Hardened Scales (speculative pick over Ruthless Ripper, ended up not playing it)
P1P4 Abzan Ascendancy
P2P1 Rattleclaw Mystic ($) over Abzan Battle Priest
P3P1 Abzan Charm over Kheru Spellsnatcher
P3P2 Necropolis Fiend over something else I needed, but man I love Necropolis Fiend
I ended up with a lot of rares in my deck, and seven outlast guys. My other early game cards were a bit lacking (only one Archer's Parapet, no Debilitating Injury) and few morphs. I would rate this deck a 6/10.
Match 1: Abzan mirror (2-0)
Game 1:
My opponent plays Duneblast both games, but I manage to win the first game, and the second game stalls out because both of us got to over 30 life (I had Abzan Guide, he had Kheru Dreadmaw)
Match 2: BG (2-0)
Game 1:
I kept a sketchy hand with all 3 colors of mana, but no plays until turn 5. I almost die to Highland Game + Alpine Grizzly + Savage Punch for my first creature. But I end up stabilizing and killing him with Necropolis Fiend + Abzan Ascendancy tokens.
Game 2:
This game goes to time again, but I manage to kill my opponent on turn 5, despite a slow play warning (?) from the judge.
Match 3: Jeskai good stuff (0-2)
Game 1:
I mull to 5, keep a 2 lander. I play Archer's Parapet, my opponent has Crippling Chill and Singing Bell Strike for it. I die to Scaldkin + Leaping master, and never draw a 3rd land.
Game 2:
I mull to 6, keep a 5 lander, Ainok Bond-kin. I draw an Abzan Falconer. My opponent's first play is Monastery Flock, face up. He has Bring Low for my Abzan Falconer, and Force Away for my Ainok Bond-kin. My opponent plays a Scaldkin, a Sage of the Inward Eye, two Efreet Weaponmasters, and a Singing Bell Strike for my Longshot Squad. I end up stabilizing at 2 life, but then he plays a Leaping Master and I draw Rattleclaw Mystic, instead of a reach/flying guy.
I felt like I played Game 2 pretty tight, unlike how I usually throw away my last two games of the night. I think I was just in a good mood.
Result: 2-1
I opened Mardu Ascendancy (eww) and Hooded Hydra (shrug)
Thursday, October 9, 2014
10/9/14 More packs of KTK
Pack 1:
Trap Essence
Frontier Bivouac
Death Frenzy
Ruthless Ripper
Kheru Dreadmaw
Jeskai Banner
Scout the Borders
Ponyback Brigade
Disowned Ancestor
Smoke Teller
Barrage of Boulders
Feat of Resistance
Ainok Tracker
Pack 2:
Herald of Anafenza
Horde Ambusher
Temur Charm
Riverwheel Aerialists
Embodiment of Spring
Scoured Barrens
War Behemoth
Lens of Clarity
Bloodfire Mentor
Rotting Mastodon
Kin-Tree Warden
Disdainful Stroke
Salt Road Patrol
Trumpet Blast
Pack 3:
Sage of the Inward Eye
Heir of the Wilds
Secret Plans
Incremental Growth
Abzan Guide
Kheru Dreadmaw
Swiftwater Cliffs
Highland Game
Savage Punch
Rotting Mastodon
Mardu Warshrieker
Treasure Cruise
Mardu Hateblade
Leaping Master
Pack 4:
End Hostilities (foil)
Mantis Rider
Dragon's Eye Savants
Armanent Corps
Mardu Heart-Piercer
Tranquil Cove
Kin-Tree Warden
Woolly Loxodon
Krumar Bond-Kin
Molting Snakeskin
Treasure Cruise
Mardu Hateblade
Leaping Master
Monastery Flock
Pack 5: (missing a common)
Empty the Pits
Horde Ambusher
Scion of Glaciers
Abzan Banner
Jeskai Student
Scoured Barrens
Singing Bell Strike
Temur Banner
Dutiful Return
Sagu Archer
Valley Dasher
Pack 6:
Windswept Heath
Seek the Horizon
Blinding Spray
Shambling Attendants
Tranquil Cove
Tusked Colossodon
Abzan Guide
Rotting Mastodon
Alpine Grizzly
Weave Fate
Rush of Battle
Swift Kick
Herald of Anafenza
End Hostilities (foil)
Empty the Pits
Mantis Rider
Sage of the Inward Eye
Trap Essence
Windswept Heath
2 Mardu Hateblade
1 Herald of Anafenza
1 Jeskai Student
1 Salt Road Patrol
1 War Behemoth
1 Feat of Resistance
1 Rush of Battle
1 Siegecraft
1 End Hostilities
1 Embodiment of Spring
1 Dragon's Eye Savants
1 Monastery Flock
1 Scion of Glaciers
1 Riverwheel Aerialists
1 Disdainful Stroke
1 Singing Bell Strike
2 Cancel
1 Weave Fate
1 Blinding Spray
2 Treasure Cruise
1 Disowned Ancestor
1 Ruthless Ripper
3 Rotting Mastodon
2 Kheru Dreadmaw
1 Krumar Bond-Kin
1 Shambling Attendants
1 Molting Snakeskin
1 Despise
1 Dutiful Return
1 Empty the Pits
2 Leaping Master
1 Valley Dasher
2 Horde Ambusher
1 Bloodfire Mentor
1 Mardu Warshrieker
1 Mardu Heart-Piercer
1 Ainok Tracker
1 Barrage of Boulders
1 Trumpet Blast
1 Swift Kick
2 Kin-Tree Warden
1 Smoke Teller
1 Highland Game
1 Heir of the Wilds
1 Alpine Grizzly
1 Sagu Archer
1 Tusked Colossodon
1 Woolly Loxodon
1 Savage Punch
1 Scout the Borders
1 Seek the Horizon
1 Incremental Growth
1 Windstorm
1 Secret Plans
1 Death Frenzy
1 Temur Charm
1 Trap Essence
1 Armament Corps
2 Abzan Guide
1 Mantis Rider
1 Sage of the Inward Eye
1 Pony Brigade
1 Lens of Clarity
1 Temur Banner
1 Abzan Banner
1 Jeskai Banner
1 Windswept Heath
2 Tranquil Cove
2 Scoured Barrens
1 Swiftwater Cliffs
1 Frontier Bivouac
Most of the fixing is white based, with a little bit of blue.
White: 6
1 Herald of Anafenza
1 Jeskai Student
1 Salt Road Patrol
1 War Behemoth
1 Feat of Resistance
1 End Hostilities
Red: 9
2 Leaping Master
1 Valley Dasher
2 Horde Ambusher
1 Mardu Heart-Piercer
1 Mardu Warshrieker
1 Ainok Tracker
1 Trumpet Blast (this could also just be Rush of Battle)
Blue: 5
1 Riverwheel Aerialists
1 Singing Bell Strike
1 Disdainful Stroke
1 Weave Fate
1 Treasure Cruise
Blue/Red/White: 2
1 Mantis Rider
1 Sage of the Inward Eye
2 Tranquil Cove
1 Frontier Bivouac
1 Swiftwater Cliffs
14 other lands
Trap Essence
Frontier Bivouac
Death Frenzy
Ruthless Ripper
Kheru Dreadmaw
Jeskai Banner
Scout the Borders
Ponyback Brigade
Disowned Ancestor
Smoke Teller
Barrage of Boulders
Feat of Resistance
Ainok Tracker
Pack 2:
Herald of Anafenza
Horde Ambusher
Temur Charm
Riverwheel Aerialists
Embodiment of Spring
Scoured Barrens
War Behemoth
Lens of Clarity
Bloodfire Mentor
Rotting Mastodon
Kin-Tree Warden
Disdainful Stroke
Salt Road Patrol
Trumpet Blast
Pack 3:
Sage of the Inward Eye
Heir of the Wilds
Secret Plans
Incremental Growth
Abzan Guide
Kheru Dreadmaw
Swiftwater Cliffs
Highland Game
Savage Punch
Rotting Mastodon
Mardu Warshrieker
Treasure Cruise
Mardu Hateblade
Leaping Master
Pack 4:
End Hostilities (foil)
Mantis Rider
Dragon's Eye Savants
Armanent Corps
Mardu Heart-Piercer
Tranquil Cove
Kin-Tree Warden
Woolly Loxodon
Krumar Bond-Kin
Molting Snakeskin
Treasure Cruise
Mardu Hateblade
Leaping Master
Monastery Flock
Pack 5: (missing a common)
Empty the Pits
Horde Ambusher
Scion of Glaciers
Abzan Banner
Jeskai Student
Scoured Barrens
Singing Bell Strike
Temur Banner
Dutiful Return
Sagu Archer
Valley Dasher
Pack 6:
Windswept Heath
Seek the Horizon
Blinding Spray
Shambling Attendants
Tranquil Cove
Tusked Colossodon
Abzan Guide
Rotting Mastodon
Alpine Grizzly
Weave Fate
Rush of Battle
Swift Kick
Herald of Anafenza
End Hostilities (foil)
Empty the Pits
Mantis Rider
Sage of the Inward Eye
Trap Essence
Windswept Heath
2 Mardu Hateblade
1 Herald of Anafenza
1 Jeskai Student
1 Salt Road Patrol
1 War Behemoth
1 Feat of Resistance
1 Rush of Battle
1 Siegecraft
1 End Hostilities
1 Embodiment of Spring
1 Dragon's Eye Savants
1 Monastery Flock
1 Scion of Glaciers
1 Riverwheel Aerialists
1 Disdainful Stroke
1 Singing Bell Strike
2 Cancel
1 Weave Fate
1 Blinding Spray
2 Treasure Cruise
1 Disowned Ancestor
1 Ruthless Ripper
3 Rotting Mastodon
2 Kheru Dreadmaw
1 Krumar Bond-Kin
1 Shambling Attendants
1 Molting Snakeskin
1 Despise
1 Dutiful Return
1 Empty the Pits
2 Leaping Master
1 Valley Dasher
2 Horde Ambusher
1 Bloodfire Mentor
1 Mardu Warshrieker
1 Mardu Heart-Piercer
1 Ainok Tracker
1 Barrage of Boulders
1 Trumpet Blast
1 Swift Kick
2 Kin-Tree Warden
1 Smoke Teller
1 Highland Game
1 Heir of the Wilds
1 Alpine Grizzly
1 Sagu Archer
1 Tusked Colossodon
1 Woolly Loxodon
1 Savage Punch
1 Scout the Borders
1 Seek the Horizon
1 Incremental Growth
1 Windstorm
1 Secret Plans
1 Death Frenzy
1 Temur Charm
1 Trap Essence
1 Armament Corps
2 Abzan Guide
1 Mantis Rider
1 Sage of the Inward Eye
1 Pony Brigade
1 Lens of Clarity
1 Temur Banner
1 Abzan Banner
1 Jeskai Banner
1 Windswept Heath
2 Tranquil Cove
2 Scoured Barrens
1 Swiftwater Cliffs
1 Frontier Bivouac
Most of the fixing is white based, with a little bit of blue.
White: 6
1 Herald of Anafenza
1 Jeskai Student
1 Salt Road Patrol
1 War Behemoth
1 Feat of Resistance
1 End Hostilities
Red: 9
2 Leaping Master
1 Valley Dasher
2 Horde Ambusher
1 Mardu Heart-Piercer
1 Mardu Warshrieker
1 Ainok Tracker
1 Trumpet Blast (this could also just be Rush of Battle)
Blue: 5
1 Riverwheel Aerialists
1 Singing Bell Strike
1 Disdainful Stroke
1 Weave Fate
1 Treasure Cruise
Blue/Red/White: 2
1 Mantis Rider
1 Sage of the Inward Eye
2 Tranquil Cove
1 Frontier Bivouac
1 Swiftwater Cliffs
14 other lands
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
10/8/14 Getting back on the horse (KTK draft 2-1)
I went over to Versus Games to draft tonight.
P1P1: Ivorytusk Fortress over Mer-ek Nightblade
P1P2: I took "shiny" Longshot Squad over Kill Shot. In retrospect, it worked out, but I think I should have actually taken the Kill Shot.
P1P3: Debilitating Injury over a second Kill Shot.
White ended up super cut, but blue was kinda open, I saw a 5th pick Waterwhirl? I don't think that should go that late.
P2P1: Took Archer's Parapet over Ugin's Nexus.
P3P1: Necropolis Fiend.
Black: 12
1 Ruthless Ripper
2 Krumar Bond-Kin
2 Sultai Scavenger
1 Necropolis Fiend
2 Debilitating Injury
1 Bitter Revelation
2 Rite of the Serpent
1 Dead Drop
2 Archer's Parapet
1 Longshot Squad
1 Sultai Flayer
2 Sagu Archer
1 Pine Walker
1 Woolly Loxodon
1 Dragonscale Boon
1 Kin-Tree Invocation
1 Jungle Hollow
9 Swamp
8 Forest
1 War Behemoth
2 Mardu Skullhunter
1 Kheru Dreadmaw
1 Krumar Bond-Kin
1 Rite of the Serpent
1 Bloodfire Mentor
1 Canyon Lurker
1 Shatter
1 Kin-Tree Warden
1 Highland Game
1 Smoke Teller
1 Feed the Clan
1 Scout the Borders
1 Roar of Challenge
1 Sultai Banner
1 Ivorytusk Fortress
1 Abomination of Gudul
1 Kheru Lich Lord
I got passed a foil Ugin's Nexus P3P2, but I took Kin-Tree Invocation over it, since I was solidly in black/green.
Took a Kheru Lich Lord over a third Debilitating Injury. I don't think I would play three Debilitating Injury.
I ended up getting no blue fixing (besides a Sultai banner) so I decided not to play any of my blue cards.
Match 1: Mardu (2-0)
Game 1:
My opponent keeps a 2 lander on the draw, doesn't have to discard anything, but doesn't play anything meaningful for the first six turns or so.
Game 2:
My opponent plays Siegecraft on a Valley Dasher. I block his 4/6 with my Archer's Parapet, and it doesn't matter. He then plays a Necropolis Fiend, and I have Rite of the Serpent for it.
Match 2: RUG stuff (2-0)
Game 1:
My opponent Mindswipes one of my spells for 1, dealing me 1 damage. What. Then he plays Dig Through Time during his mainphase. Huh.
My opponent has Singing Bell Strike for my Necropolis Fiend. Ouch. I eventually untap my fiend and remove 2 cards to give his facedown morph -2/-2. It turned out it was Kheru Spellsnatcher. Yikes.
Game 2:
This game goes to time. I had won the first game, so I won the match.
Match 3: RUG good stuff (0-2)
Game 1:
My opponent gets turn 2 Trail of Mystery, and manages to search up five lands from it.
My opponent played Savage Punch on his Whirlwind Adept targeting my Sultai Scavenger. I cast Dragonscale Boon in response, making my guy a 5/5 to fight his (now) 6/4. So it was a 2/2. Then he attacked with his Jeskai Windscout, now a 3/2. I failed to block with my 4/4 Longshot Squad (which had reach because it had a counter). I said I take 3 damage, implying I didn't block. If I had blocked, I would have killed his 3/2, saved myself 3 damage. Next turn when I played Dead Drop, he sacrificed his Windscout, since it was now brickwalled by my 4/4 reach, and some other dorky creature. It ultimately didn't matter because he played another Snowhorn Rider and Hooded Hydra face-down, then alpha swung next turn, so I died.
Game 2:
My opponent gets a turn 4 flip up Mystic of the Hidden Way online, and my only way of dealing with it is Dead Drop, which I can't cast. Of course, I cast a Bitter Revelation, and end up pitching a land, and a creature. I should have kept the land, and pitched Necrpolis Fiend instead (way too slow). That would have let me cast Dead Drop with delve a turn earlier, and save some damage. I play a Sultai Flayer, and he flips up Icefeather Aven EoT, to bounce my flayer to hand.
Next turn I draw a land, and can cast Dead Drop, but my opponent has Disdainful Stroke. I casually say "you've got it all" and he disputes this, saying he only played one counterspell, but I meant his deck was insanely good compared to mine. *shrug* Anyways, I take my three packs and go home.
Result: 2-1, three booster packs
P1P1: Ivorytusk Fortress over Mer-ek Nightblade
P1P2: I took "shiny" Longshot Squad over Kill Shot. In retrospect, it worked out, but I think I should have actually taken the Kill Shot.
P1P3: Debilitating Injury over a second Kill Shot.
White ended up super cut, but blue was kinda open, I saw a 5th pick Waterwhirl? I don't think that should go that late.
P2P1: Took Archer's Parapet over Ugin's Nexus.
P3P1: Necropolis Fiend.
Black: 12
1 Ruthless Ripper
2 Krumar Bond-Kin
2 Sultai Scavenger
1 Necropolis Fiend
2 Debilitating Injury
1 Bitter Revelation
2 Rite of the Serpent
1 Dead Drop
2 Archer's Parapet
1 Longshot Squad
1 Sultai Flayer
2 Sagu Archer
1 Pine Walker
1 Woolly Loxodon
1 Dragonscale Boon
1 Kin-Tree Invocation
1 Jungle Hollow
9 Swamp
8 Forest
1 War Behemoth
2 Mardu Skullhunter
1 Kheru Dreadmaw
1 Krumar Bond-Kin
1 Rite of the Serpent
1 Bloodfire Mentor
1 Canyon Lurker
1 Shatter
1 Kin-Tree Warden
1 Highland Game
1 Smoke Teller
1 Feed the Clan
1 Scout the Borders
1 Roar of Challenge
1 Sultai Banner
1 Ivorytusk Fortress
1 Abomination of Gudul
1 Kheru Lich Lord
I got passed a foil Ugin's Nexus P3P2, but I took Kin-Tree Invocation over it, since I was solidly in black/green.
Took a Kheru Lich Lord over a third Debilitating Injury. I don't think I would play three Debilitating Injury.
I ended up getting no blue fixing (besides a Sultai banner) so I decided not to play any of my blue cards.
Match 1: Mardu (2-0)
Game 1:
My opponent keeps a 2 lander on the draw, doesn't have to discard anything, but doesn't play anything meaningful for the first six turns or so.
Game 2:
My opponent plays Siegecraft on a Valley Dasher. I block his 4/6 with my Archer's Parapet, and it doesn't matter. He then plays a Necropolis Fiend, and I have Rite of the Serpent for it.
Match 2: RUG stuff (2-0)
Game 1:
My opponent Mindswipes one of my spells for 1, dealing me 1 damage. What. Then he plays Dig Through Time during his mainphase. Huh.
My opponent has Singing Bell Strike for my Necropolis Fiend. Ouch. I eventually untap my fiend and remove 2 cards to give his facedown morph -2/-2. It turned out it was Kheru Spellsnatcher. Yikes.
Game 2:
This game goes to time. I had won the first game, so I won the match.
Match 3: RUG good stuff (0-2)
Game 1:
My opponent gets turn 2 Trail of Mystery, and manages to search up five lands from it.
My opponent played Savage Punch on his Whirlwind Adept targeting my Sultai Scavenger. I cast Dragonscale Boon in response, making my guy a 5/5 to fight his (now) 6/4. So it was a 2/2. Then he attacked with his Jeskai Windscout, now a 3/2. I failed to block with my 4/4 Longshot Squad (which had reach because it had a counter). I said I take 3 damage, implying I didn't block. If I had blocked, I would have killed his 3/2, saved myself 3 damage. Next turn when I played Dead Drop, he sacrificed his Windscout, since it was now brickwalled by my 4/4 reach, and some other dorky creature. It ultimately didn't matter because he played another Snowhorn Rider and Hooded Hydra face-down, then alpha swung next turn, so I died.
Game 2:
My opponent gets a turn 4 flip up Mystic of the Hidden Way online, and my only way of dealing with it is Dead Drop, which I can't cast. Of course, I cast a Bitter Revelation, and end up pitching a land, and a creature. I should have kept the land, and pitched Necrpolis Fiend instead (way too slow). That would have let me cast Dead Drop with delve a turn earlier, and save some damage. I play a Sultai Flayer, and he flips up Icefeather Aven EoT, to bounce my flayer to hand.
Next turn I draw a land, and can cast Dead Drop, but my opponent has Disdainful Stroke. I casually say "you've got it all" and he disputes this, saying he only played one counterspell, but I meant his deck was insanely good compared to mine. *shrug* Anyways, I take my three packs and go home.
Result: 2-1, three booster packs
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
10/7/14 Six packs of KTK
Pack 1:
Mardu Ascendancy
Raider's Spoils
Seeker of the Way
Mardu Charm
Highland Game
Bloodfire Mentor
Rush of Battle
Disowned Ancestor
Jeskai Windscout
Monastery Flock
Rakshasa's Secret
Jeskai Student
Feed the Clan
Mardu Warshrieker
Pack 2:
Mardu Hordechief (foil)
Surrak Dragonclaw
Kheru Bloodsucker
Timely Hordemate
Dragonscale Boon
Arrow Storm
Disowned Ancestor
Sultai Banner
Kheru Dreadmaw
Crippling Chill
Awaken the Bear
Pack 3:
Dragon-Style Twins
Temur Charger
Gurmag Swiftwing
Kin-Tree Invocation
Snowhorn Rider
Rugged Highlands
Monastery Flock
Rakshasa's Secret
Glacial Stalker
Debilitating Injury
Savage Punch
Barrage of Boulders
Jeskai Student
Feed the Clan
Pack 4:
Ashcloud Phoenix
Highspire Mantis
Roar of Challenge
Scion of Glaciers
Rush of Battle
Disowned Ancestor
Jeskai Windscout
Swiftwater Cliffs
Kin-Tree Warden
Arrow Storm
Debilitating Injury
Taigam's Scheming
Ainok Tracker
Kill Shot
Pack 5:
Wetland Sambar (foil)
Abzan Ascendancy
Dead Drop
War-Name Aspirant
Burn Away
Dismal Backwater
Scout the Borders
Valley Dasher
Smite the Monstrous
Unyielding Krumar
Embodiment of Spring
Sultai Scavenger
Smoke Teller
Pack 6:
Sultai Ascendancy
Jeskai Elder
Sandsteppe Citadel
Blinding Spray
Thornwood Falls
Treasure Cruise
Rakshasa's Secret
Force Away
Bitter Revelation
Monastery Flock
Longshot Squad
Tormenting Voice
I seem to have misplaced the 10th common. I don't remember what it was.
Mardu Ascendancy
Raider's Spoils
Seeker of the Way
Mardu Charm
Highland Game
Bloodfire Mentor
Rush of Battle
Disowned Ancestor
Jeskai Windscout
Monastery Flock
Rakshasa's Secret
Jeskai Student
Feed the Clan
Mardu Warshrieker
Pack 2:
Mardu Hordechief (foil)
Surrak Dragonclaw
Kheru Bloodsucker
Timely Hordemate
Dragonscale Boon
Arrow Storm
Disowned Ancestor
Sultai Banner
Kheru Dreadmaw
Crippling Chill
Awaken the Bear
Pack 3:
Dragon-Style Twins
Temur Charger
Gurmag Swiftwing
Kin-Tree Invocation
Snowhorn Rider
Rugged Highlands
Monastery Flock
Rakshasa's Secret
Glacial Stalker
Debilitating Injury
Savage Punch
Barrage of Boulders
Jeskai Student
Feed the Clan
Pack 4:
Ashcloud Phoenix
Highspire Mantis
Roar of Challenge
Scion of Glaciers
Rush of Battle
Disowned Ancestor
Jeskai Windscout
Swiftwater Cliffs
Kin-Tree Warden
Arrow Storm
Debilitating Injury
Taigam's Scheming
Ainok Tracker
Kill Shot
Pack 5:
Wetland Sambar (foil)
Abzan Ascendancy
Dead Drop
War-Name Aspirant
Burn Away
Dismal Backwater
Scout the Borders
Valley Dasher
Smite the Monstrous
Unyielding Krumar
Embodiment of Spring
Sultai Scavenger
Smoke Teller
Pack 6:
Sultai Ascendancy
Jeskai Elder
Sandsteppe Citadel
Blinding Spray
Thornwood Falls
Treasure Cruise
Rakshasa's Secret
Force Away
Bitter Revelation
Monastery Flock
Longshot Squad
Tormenting Voice
I seem to have misplaced the 10th common. I don't remember what it was.
Monday, October 6, 2014
10/4/14 One does not simply walk into Modern (Saturday Modern 2-1)
I stayed up stupidly late for the second night in a row, playing Shadow of Mordor. So I got 5 hours of sleep (again). There was a Modern tournament scheduled for Saturday at noon at Gamescape North. I went to the tournament, and there were only 6 people who wanted to play Modern.
Match 1: Melira Pod (2-1)
Game 1:
Won off the combo. I kinda punt because I Gitaxian Probe my opponent, and saw he didn't have double white mana in play, but he did have Linvala in hand. I should have tapped his white mana source during his upkeep, so that if he drew a white mana during his draw step, he couldn't slam Linvala.
I end up combo'ing off the next turn, after he taps 3 land, and I tapped his white source with Pestermite. During my turn I play Splinter Twin.
Game 2:
I lose to Resto Angel. I can't kill that card outside of sideboard Dismember.
Game 3:
Molten Rain into Snapcaster Mage + Molten Rain + plus my other copy of Molten Rain = opponent sad face.
Barely won this game, off Tarmogoyf + Snapcaster Mage + double Pestermite beats.
I get punished because I have Molten Rain and Pestermite in hand, and he has Noble Hierarch in play, and 3 untapped lands. I go for Pestermite to tap his Hierach so I can swing for lethal. He has Resto Angel to blink his Noble Hierach, giving him two untapped blockers. If I Molten Rain'd first, then he would have to tap his dudes for Resto Angel, then I could tap Hierarch after it came back, so I could tap it down with Pestermite. I attack with all, he eats a Pestermite with Angel, chumps Tarmogoyf with Hierarch. Then next turn I swing with just Tarmogoyf, he chumps with Angel. The turn after that, he plays Archangel of Thune, which he chumps with. Then eventually he scoops. But I gave him a bunch of extra turns to find an answer.
Match 2: R/G Tron (0-2)
Game 1:
Opponent gets turn 1 Relic into turn 2 Spellskite. This neuters my Tarmogoyf. He quickly gets Karn into Eye of Ugin into Emrakul, and I lose.
Game 2:
I mull to 6, keeping a hand of Lighting Bolt,
Opponent goes turn 2 Spellskite into turn 3 Spellskite. I should have kept in Spell Snare. Gitaxian Probe showed me he has Boil in Hand, and double Karn, Liberated.
I punted because I didn't use my Tec Edge to kill one of his Tron pieces. He had double Mine in play, one Power Plant, a Tower, and and had a Tower in his hand earlier (from Expedition Map). I thought he also had a second Power Plant in hand, but it didn't matter, because he played Emrakul and wrecked me. I got him to 2 life but it didn't matter. I never drew any of my artifact hate/land hate besides the one Tec Edge.
Match 3: Living End (2-0)
Game 1:
I have turn 3 Vendillion Clique to put a Violent Outburst at the bottom of his deck. He still has Demonic Dread, though. I Cryptic Command the Demonic Dread next turn.
He takes too long to build up his GY. By the time he does cast Demonic Dread, I counter the Living End with Remand, then burn him to death next turn. I think he should have gone for the Demonic Dread earlier. Maybe he was playing around Cryptic Command.
Game 2:
I'm a bit fuzzy remembering what happened during this game.
He goes turn 4 Violent Outburst, I counter with Remand. Turn 5 Violent Outburst, I counter with another Remand I drew. Turn 5 he hardcasts Living End, then turn 6 I decide to not hold up Snapcaster Mage/Remand, and he punishes me with a THIRD Violent Outburst. I lose all my guys, he gets back 4 creatures. I have to chump one to live a turn.
Ultimately, I end up winning because he had suspended a Living End earlier, and the suspended Living End ends up makes him burying his guys in play, and puts my Deceiver Exarch, Snapcaster Mage, and Tarmogoyf back into play. I burn him with Lightning Bolt, untap an Island with Deceiver, then Electrolyze for lethal.
Result: 2-1
Apparently they are getting rid of constructed events on Fridays. They are choosing to only do constructed events on Saturdays, and they will all be competitive REL. I am not super sure how I feel about that, since events at Gamescape North aren't the best-organized IMO.
Of course, someone reminded me about the bathroom incident that resulted in my game loss at the GPT. Thanks dude. :P
Match 1: Melira Pod (2-1)
Game 1:
Won off the combo. I kinda punt because I Gitaxian Probe my opponent, and saw he didn't have double white mana in play, but he did have Linvala in hand. I should have tapped his white mana source during his upkeep, so that if he drew a white mana during his draw step, he couldn't slam Linvala.
I end up combo'ing off the next turn, after he taps 3 land, and I tapped his white source with Pestermite. During my turn I play Splinter Twin.
Game 2:
I lose to Resto Angel. I can't kill that card outside of sideboard Dismember.
Game 3:
Molten Rain into Snapcaster Mage + Molten Rain + plus my other copy of Molten Rain = opponent sad face.
Barely won this game, off Tarmogoyf + Snapcaster Mage + double Pestermite beats.
I get punished because I have Molten Rain and Pestermite in hand, and he has Noble Hierarch in play, and 3 untapped lands. I go for Pestermite to tap his Hierach so I can swing for lethal. He has Resto Angel to blink his Noble Hierach, giving him two untapped blockers. If I Molten Rain'd first, then he would have to tap his dudes for Resto Angel, then I could tap Hierarch after it came back, so I could tap it down with Pestermite. I attack with all, he eats a Pestermite with Angel, chumps Tarmogoyf with Hierarch. Then next turn I swing with just Tarmogoyf, he chumps with Angel. The turn after that, he plays Archangel of Thune, which he chumps with. Then eventually he scoops. But I gave him a bunch of extra turns to find an answer.
Match 2: R/G Tron (0-2)
Game 1:
Opponent gets turn 1 Relic into turn 2 Spellskite. This neuters my Tarmogoyf. He quickly gets Karn into Eye of Ugin into Emrakul, and I lose.
Game 2:
I mull to 6, keeping a hand of Lighting Bolt,
Opponent goes turn 2 Spellskite into turn 3 Spellskite. I should have kept in Spell Snare. Gitaxian Probe showed me he has Boil in Hand, and double Karn, Liberated.
I punted because I didn't use my Tec Edge to kill one of his Tron pieces. He had double Mine in play, one Power Plant, a Tower, and and had a Tower in his hand earlier (from Expedition Map). I thought he also had a second Power Plant in hand, but it didn't matter, because he played Emrakul and wrecked me. I got him to 2 life but it didn't matter. I never drew any of my artifact hate/land hate besides the one Tec Edge.
Match 3: Living End (2-0)
Game 1:
I have turn 3 Vendillion Clique to put a Violent Outburst at the bottom of his deck. He still has Demonic Dread, though. I Cryptic Command the Demonic Dread next turn.
He takes too long to build up his GY. By the time he does cast Demonic Dread, I counter the Living End with Remand, then burn him to death next turn. I think he should have gone for the Demonic Dread earlier. Maybe he was playing around Cryptic Command.
Game 2:
I'm a bit fuzzy remembering what happened during this game.
He goes turn 4 Violent Outburst, I counter with Remand. Turn 5 Violent Outburst, I counter with another Remand I drew. Turn 5 he hardcasts Living End, then turn 6 I decide to not hold up Snapcaster Mage/Remand, and he punishes me with a THIRD Violent Outburst. I lose all my guys, he gets back 4 creatures. I have to chump one to live a turn.
Ultimately, I end up winning because he had suspended a Living End earlier, and the suspended Living End ends up makes him burying his guys in play, and puts my Deceiver Exarch, Snapcaster Mage, and Tarmogoyf back into play. I burn him with Lightning Bolt, untap an Island with Deceiver, then Electrolyze for lethal.
Result: 2-1
Apparently they are getting rid of constructed events on Fridays. They are choosing to only do constructed events on Saturdays, and they will all be competitive REL. I am not super sure how I feel about that, since events at Gamescape North aren't the best-organized IMO.
Of course, someone reminded me about the bathroom incident that resulted in my game loss at the GPT. Thanks dude. :P
Friday, October 3, 2014
10/3/14 Staying in middle of the road, and getting squished (KTK FNM draft 2-1)
I went to Gamescape North for the KTK draft. I left early today, getting to the store around 5:30 p.m. I thought the store was pretty quiet but then it turned out 40 people showed up. The event also started 30 minutes late.
P1P1: Polluted Delta
P1P2: Suspension Field over Ainok Bond-kin
I end up making some mistakes I think. I took Mardu Charm 4th pick.
P2P1: Howl of the Horde. I think I first picked Swarm of Bloodflies over Sultai Scavenger.
I took Mardu Ascendancy in this pack over Ride Down and Mer-ek Nightblade. Seeing as I ended up not playing the Ascendancy at all, I should just have taken the Nightblade.
P3P1: Crackling Doom
P3P4: Herald of Anafenza. Wow.
I passed a couple Disowned Ancestors during the draft. I suspected that the black/white outlast deck was not open, which made sense, because I was seeing a lot of people in black/white at the table after the draft was over. Geez.
1 Herald of Anafenza
1 Jeskai Student
1 Ainok Bond-kin
1 Seeker of the Way
1 Alabaster Kirin
2 Salt Road Patrol
1 Sage-Eye Harrier
1 War Behemoth
1 Suspension Field
1 Kill Shot
1 Ruthless Ripper
1 Bellowing Saddlebrute
1 Krumar Bond-Kin
1 Murderous Cut
1 Chief of the Scale
1 Mardu Roughrider
1 Mardu Charm
1 Crackling Doom
1 Armament Corps
1 Abzan Guide
1 Abzan Charm
6 Plains
5 Swamp
1 Mountain
2 Wind-Scarred Crag
1 Scoured Barrens
1 Jungle Hollow
1 Blossoming Sands
1 Sandsteppe Citadel
1 Venerable Lammasu
1 Erase
1 Siegecraft
1 Take Up Arms
1 Sidisi's Pet
1 Swarm of Bloodflies
1 Rakshasa's Secret
1 Naturalize
1 Jeskai Banner
1 Mardu Ascendancy
1 Polluted Delta
3 Dismal Backwater
Match 1: Mardu mirror 2-0
This guy didn't know what his cards did. So it was not really a challenge.
Match 2: Mardu mirror 0-2
Game 1:
This guy has mono-removal spells.
Lost to Arrow Storm into double Ponyback Rider into double trumpet Blast.
Game 2:
Lost to double Arrow Storm.
Match 3: Temur big stuff
Game 1:
Ended up losing the game with 3 red cards stuck in hand, and none of my red sources.
Game 2:
I thought I might lose this game as well, but he ends up making a bunch of weird blocks/chump blocks.
Game 3:
Opponent chose to draw first, and kept a 3 lander. He never drew any more lands.
Result: 2-1
Opened my packs, got Mardu Ascendancy + Surrak Dragonclaw
My current record with KTK limited (after the prerelease)
0-2 drop
So currently I'm going 6 out of 14 in KTK limited matches.
P1P1: Polluted Delta
P1P2: Suspension Field over Ainok Bond-kin
I end up making some mistakes I think. I took Mardu Charm 4th pick.
P2P1: Howl of the Horde. I think I first picked Swarm of Bloodflies over Sultai Scavenger.
I took Mardu Ascendancy in this pack over Ride Down and Mer-ek Nightblade. Seeing as I ended up not playing the Ascendancy at all, I should just have taken the Nightblade.
P3P1: Crackling Doom
P3P4: Herald of Anafenza. Wow.
I passed a couple Disowned Ancestors during the draft. I suspected that the black/white outlast deck was not open, which made sense, because I was seeing a lot of people in black/white at the table after the draft was over. Geez.
1 Herald of Anafenza
1 Jeskai Student
1 Ainok Bond-kin
1 Seeker of the Way
1 Alabaster Kirin
2 Salt Road Patrol
1 Sage-Eye Harrier
1 War Behemoth
1 Suspension Field
1 Kill Shot
1 Ruthless Ripper
1 Bellowing Saddlebrute
1 Krumar Bond-Kin
1 Murderous Cut
1 Chief of the Scale
1 Mardu Roughrider
1 Mardu Charm
1 Crackling Doom
1 Armament Corps
1 Abzan Guide
1 Abzan Charm
6 Plains
5 Swamp
1 Mountain
2 Wind-Scarred Crag
1 Scoured Barrens
1 Jungle Hollow
1 Blossoming Sands
1 Sandsteppe Citadel
1 Venerable Lammasu
1 Erase
1 Siegecraft
1 Take Up Arms
1 Sidisi's Pet
1 Swarm of Bloodflies
1 Rakshasa's Secret
1 Naturalize
1 Jeskai Banner
1 Mardu Ascendancy
1 Polluted Delta
3 Dismal Backwater
Match 1: Mardu mirror 2-0
This guy didn't know what his cards did. So it was not really a challenge.
Match 2: Mardu mirror 0-2
Game 1:
This guy has mono-removal spells.
Lost to Arrow Storm into double Ponyback Rider into double trumpet Blast.
Game 2:
Lost to double Arrow Storm.
Match 3: Temur big stuff
Game 1:
Ended up losing the game with 3 red cards stuck in hand, and none of my red sources.
Game 2:
I thought I might lose this game as well, but he ends up making a bunch of weird blocks/chump blocks.
Game 3:
Opponent chose to draw first, and kept a 3 lander. He never drew any more lands.
Result: 2-1
Opened my packs, got Mardu Ascendancy + Surrak Dragonclaw
My current record with KTK limited (after the prerelease)
0-2 drop
So currently I'm going 6 out of 14 in KTK limited matches.
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