I took the William Jensen/Owen Turtenwald B/W midrange/control deck to Anime Imports for the 4 pm weekly standard.
Match 1: 2-0 (BG constellation)
Game 1:
Opponent mulls to 5, he plays a Tormented Hero, but not much else. Turn 2 Pack Rat takes over the game and he scoops.
Game 2:
I thoughtseize turn 1, find out my opponent's playing BG constellation. I make him discard Pharika. Then he plays Tormented Hero into Brain Maggot into (unbestowed) Spiteful Returned, Eidolon of Blossoms which I kill right away, then Grim Guardian. I end up grinding him out of the game with Desecration Demon.
Match 2: 2-0 (UWR control/burn)
Game 1:
Opponent mulls to 4, I play a Desecration Demon turn 4, he dies.
Game 2:
This game was a bit closer. But timely discard spells + careful play on my part (to avoid celestial flare) end up winning the game for me.
Match 3: 2-1 (BW Midrange)
I got paired down, my opponent was 1-1.
Game 1:
I lost game 1 to turn 2 pack rat.
Game 2:
I somehow manage to throw away Pack Rat, Bile Blight AND Devour Flesh away in one turn, but it doesn't matter since I get all THREE of my Blood Baron of Vizkopa online so he dies. I tried to throw away this game so hard but it didn't matter.
Game 3:
This game gets crazy, when my opponent reveals Perilous Vault and Blood Baron of Vizkopa to Thoughtseize. I make him discard the Blood Baron, because I wanted to play around him topdecking his own Thoughtseize to make me discard my Lifebane Zombie.
He beats me down a bit with a Lifebane Zombie of his own. He chump attacks his Zombie into my Blood Baron, not realizing Blood Baron can block Lifebane Zombie.
I end up getting Elspeth and Blood Baron online. My opponent plays his Perilous Vault, killing them both. Then it becomes an attrition war with my Underworld Connections vs. his Underworld Connections. He goes down to 2 life, and then plays an Elspeth. I draw Bile Blight off Underworld Connections, kill his Soldier tokens. I attack with two mutavaults, he only has two mutavaults untapped, so he can only block one of my mutavaults. NumotGAME.
Result: 3-0, 6-1 in games, 20 dollars store credit.
I don't know why I was playing so poorly in Game 2. I blame it on only eating 600 calories worth of food the entire day.
They did a Scars of Mirrodin block draft for 30 dollars after the standard tournament, but I left to go home and eat.
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