Monday, August 18, 2014

8/18/14 High sodium warning (M15 draft 1-2)

I went to Versus Games to draft tonight.

P1P1:   Opened Aggressive Mining.  Took Raise the Alarm over Krenko's Enforcer.  I got passed Nightfire Giant second pick.  Then got passed Kird Chieftain fourth pick.

P2P1:  Opened Aggressive Mining again.

P3P1:  Opened Crucible of Fire.  Why GOD Why.

Black:  13
1 Carrion Crow
1 Witch's Familiar
1 Xathrid Slyblade
1 Zof Shade
1 Paragon of Open Graves
1 Nightfire Giant
1 Shadowcloak Vampire
1 Sign in Blood
1 Stab Wound
3 Flesh to Dust
1 Covenant of Blood

Red:  9
2 Forge Devil
2 Rummaging Goblin
1 Goblin Roughrider
1 Krenko's Enforcer
1 Kird Chieftain
1 Lightning Strike
1 Heat Ray

Artifact: 1
1 Perilous Vault

9 Swamp
7 Mountain
1 Forest


1 Raise the Alarm

1 Welkin Tern
1 Aeronaut Tinkerer
1 Glacial Crasher
1 Void Snare

1 Necromancer's Assistant
1 Wall of Limbs
1 Festergloom
1 Mind Rot
1 Unmake the Graves

1 Undergrowth Scavenger

1 Hammerhand
1 Act on Impulse
2 Lava Axe
1 Blastfire Bolt

1 Ornithopter
1 Tyrant's Machine
1 Perilous Vault

There was a guy two seats to my right drafting all the BR rares.  That guy went 0-2 drop.

Match 1:  RW 2-0

Game 1:

Killed my opponent with Stab Wound on Midnight Guard.

Game 2:

My opponent tried to block my 4/4 Kird Chieftain with Oreskos Swiftclaw, and then use Crowd's Favor.  I had 5 mana to pump my Chieftain to 6/6.  So he died.

I got accidentally paired down at the beginning of round 2.  I had to talk to the TO and tell him that I won my first match and that my round 2 opponent had lost his first match.  I ended up getting paired against one of the people who drew.

Match 2:  GW 1-2

Game 1:

I "curve" out into Kird Chieftain into Shadowcloak Vampire into Paragon of Open Graves.  My opponent compliments me for topdecking a Forge Devil to kill his Toxivc Sliver.

Game 2:

Lost to Triplicate Spirits into Sanctified Charge

Game 3:

Lost to turn 2 Spirit Bonds into Sanctified Charge.

This guy ended up proceeding to go 2-0-1 (1st place).

Match 3:  GW 0-2

Game 1:

Opponent got out turn 3 Yisan.  For some reason I decided to sandbag creatures and just play Kird Chieftain, while my opponent would hopefully overextend, while I played Perilous Vault.   Of course, my opponent has maindeck Pillar of Light, even though I only have two targets for it (Kird Chieftain with forest, and Nightfire Giant with mountain).   I stumbled on mana, and did my math wrong, and died since I couldn't play Vault and live to untap.

Game 2:

Opponent got out turn 4 Yisan.  I had a removal spell this time.  It didn't matter, because I proceeded to draw NINE lands in a row (not kidding).    He beats me to death with Phytotitan and Seraph of the Massses.

This guy ended up proceeding to go 2-0-1 (second place).

So apparently the draft pod had enough people to support three GW drafters.

Result:  1-2

What a miserable night.

Also earlier, there was a guy asking me if I had any trades.  He looks through my binder and asks why I have Blood Baron of Vizkopa in my binder, since the value was gone way down.   He sighs because he says he can't find what he's looking for.  Then I ask him what he's looking for.  He says he wants Burning-Tree Emissary and Stoke the Flames.  I tell him I have Burning-Tree Emissary in my binder, then he criticizes me for putting Burning-Tree Emissary in my binder, because he thinks they are worthless.  I trade him 4 Burning-Tree Emissary for 2 Yavimaya Coasts, but I end up feeling really annoyed because why the fuck is this guy making fun of the cards in my binder, when he's the one who needs the cards for a standard tournament at 7 p.m.  Geez.

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