Gamescape North wasn't doing anything on Halloween, so I went over to Anime Imports to play in the standard, then got dinner before going to the Innistrad draft.
I played Jeskai aggro again.
Match 1: Sultai control (1-2)
Game 1:
Mulled to 5, didn't draw a 3rd land until turn 10. So I lost.
Game 2:
Burned my opponent out, but it was close.
Game 3:
Lost to Feed the Clan, plus DOUBLE negate. If I topdecked a burn spell I could have still killed him. Died to Polukranos + Raksasha Deathdealer.
Match 2: Jeskai heroic ascendancy (2-1)
Game 1:
Lost to Jeskai Ascendancy + a swarm of tokens from Launch the Fleet and Akroan Crusader.
Game 2:
Had Banishing Light for Jeskai Ascendancy this time, and killed him with double Seeker, then Rabblemaster, and Arc Lightning for the win.
Game 3:
My opponent made like 8 tokens, but I was trading damage with him, and I killed him with Stoke the Flame into Jeskai Charm.
Match 3: Naya good stuff (1-2)
Game 1:
I kill my opponent with Mantis Rider and burn spells, like I'm supposed to.
Game 2:
My opponent plays Wingmate Roc and Stormbreath Dragon, I lose. He gains way too much life off his attacks.
Game 3:
My opponent plays double Stormbreath Dragon, and Wingmate Roc. I lose. If I had topdecked a burn spell I would have won (he was at 3 life).
Result: 1-2
$4 store credit
P1P1: Thalia, Guardian of Thraben over Drogskol Captain
P2P1: Moorland Haunt
P3P1: Battleground Geist over Back from the Brink.
Person on my right dropped out of the draft before the first match even began. He wanted to join a KTK draft that was firing. Person on my left appeared to be in black/red.
Match 1: Sultai good stuff (1-1 draw)
Game 1:
Mull to 4, lose to Grimgrin.
Game 2:
Win off double Battleground Geist.
Game 3:
I get blown out by Thalia trading with Abbatoir Ghoul, then my opponent playing Woodland Sleuth. Tricksy.
Match tied, because my opponent plays Spider Spawning and flashes it back. Ugh.
Match 2: Azorious stuff (2-1)
Game 1:
Win with flyers
Game 2:
Lost this game
Game 3:
Win with flyers again
Match 3: RG wolves (2-1)
Game 1:
Opponent got color screwed apparently.
Game 2:
I lose to Instigator Gang.
Game 3:
This game gets a bit grindy, with my opponent playing turn 3 Elder of Laurels, and turn 4 Orchard Spirit. I ultimately win thanks to flyers/bounce spells.
Result: 2-1
I split the third round, so I ended up with $12 store credit from that
I spent 29 dollars on tournaments, 41 dollars on food. Got $16 store credit out of the deal. Not exactly a good trade, but I was entertained for roughly 6 hours.
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