The substitutions I had to settle for:
Blood Crypt instead of Lavaclaw Reaches
Chandra, Pyromaster instead of Grim Lavamancer
2 Ancient Grudge instead of Avalanche Riders
1 Rakdos Charm instead of Jund Charm
1 Maelstrom Pulse instead of Dismember
1 Olivia Voldaren instead of Tectonic Edge
Match 1: GB Kibler midrange 1-1 draw
Game 1:
Gave him a beatdown with Tarmogoyf, then nickel and dimed him out with Deathrite Shaman.
Game 2:
Abrupt Decay is very good against my deck, with all the 1-2-3 drops.
He had me on the backfoot with Arbor Colossus monstrosity, and a Reaper of the Wilds. I decided to quadruple?? block the Colossus, which wasn't so good, since it was a 4 for 1. Of course, two turns later I draw a Terminate. He plays another Reaper of the Wilds and I can't terminate since he has mana up for the hexproof ability. Bleh.
Game 3:
It was turn 4 (of extra turns). I was at 4 life, he was at 6. He had a Reaper of the Wilds in play. I had two Tarmogoyf and a Dark Confidant in play. I accidentally thought he was at 9 life, so I thought I couldn't kill him. There was some confusion because he said I put a land into play tapped so I couldn't Lightning Bolt him so I used a search land, put a Blood Crypt into play untapped, then bolted him, but forgot to write down the 3 life.
Later, he told me I could have attacked him, but he had a Hero's Downfall for one of my Tarmogoyf, and would have blocked the other Tarmogoyf with Reaper. Then it would be turn 5 and he couldn't kill me.
Match 2: UW control 2-0
Game 1:
I Thoughtseize away a Supreme Verdict, leave him with Frost Titan.
I get the Liliana of the Veil ultimate off. Game over.
Game 2:
He plays a Isperia, Supreme Judge. I kill it with Maelstrom Pulse and finish him off with Deathrite Shaman and Grim Lavamancer.
Match 3: UWR control 1-1 draw
Game 1:
I win off Liliana of the Veil tearing apart his hand, and Tarmogoyf.
Game 2:
Lose to counters/burn/Snapcaster.
Game 3:
He kills/counters all my threats (damn topdecked Spell Snare a turn after I Thoughtseize. I end up drawing a crapton of land (and no manlands), so we go to time.
Match 4: 5 color sliver 2-0
Game 1:
Opponent mulls to 5. I get off the Liliana of the Veil ultimate. Scoop phase.
Game 2:
This game ends up kinda grindy, because my opponent plays Boros Charm to keep his slivers alive. Instead of going for the Grim Lavamancer orDeathrite Shaman kill strategy, I end up spending multiple turns on using Raging Ravine only to have it repeatedly chump blocked. If I had just focused on burning him out with shaman instead I could have ended the game five turns earlier.
8th place out of 28, six booster packs for my time.
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