I went to bed early, but kept waking up a few times, which sucked. Because they were doing "Commander" at Gamescape North, I went over to Anime Imports for the 4pm Standard.
Match 1: GR Monsters (1-2)
Game 1:
I kept a hand with Elvish Mysti and Domri Rade, but my opponent got turn 3 Kalonian Hydra, followed by Twinflame and Kalonian Hydra attack. Geez.
Game 2:
I won off Turn 3 Stormbreath Dragon, and double Ghor-Clan Rampager bloodrush.
Game 3:
I kept a slow hand with two temples, a basic forest, Stomping Grounds, Domri Rade, Xenagos the Reveler and Vraska the Unseen.
I lost to Xenagos the Reveler + Xenagos, God of Revels wombo combo. I made a mistake by failing to play Stomping Grounds tapped for a couple of turns, instead opting to play basic forests. I had Putrefy for his Kalonian Hydra but didn't have enough blockers for his Satyr tokens + Courser.
Match 2: Bant control (0-1)
Game 1:
This was a 45 minute game.
I ended up conceding to Kiora Ultimate. I punted this game in a few places.
1) Missed a Domri activation. (this didn't matter since he had Banishing Light the next turn for it)
2) When he had Jace at 2 Loyalty and Kiora at 3 Loyalty, and a Sylvan Caryatid in play. I had two Ghor-Clan Rampager and a Courser of Kruphix (one of the Rampagers could not deal or receive damage because of Kiora +1). I attacked the Jace with my Courser and my Rampager (the one that could deal damage).
3) Next turn he had Detention Sphere for my Ghor-Clan Rampagers. Then he had a Supreme Verdict to get rid of my Courser, and started hitting my Mutavault with Kiora. I end up scrying from a temple, and I put my second Mutavault at the bottom of my library, even though I had Domri emblem. If I had kept the Mutavault I could have attacked Kiora next turn and brought it to 1 Loyalty.
I had a Dreadbore in hand but it didn't matter since he had previously showed me he had Dissolve in hand, and plenty of mana to cast it.
Result: 0-2
I also ended up skipping the 6/28/14 Modern tournament at Anime Imports. I went to bed around 12:30 last night, but woke up at 3:30 a.m. and couldn't fall asleep again until 6 am, then woke up at 9:30 am and couldn't fall asleep again. I saw no reason to drive 45 minutes one way to play in a tournament when I had five and a half hours sleep. I would rather spend my time playing PS3 games instead.
Saturday, June 28, 2014
Saturday, June 21, 2014
6/21/14 Just desserts (Modern tournament 1-1-1)
I didn't sleep well last night. I went to bed around 1:30 a.m., but woke up around 5 a.m. with heart palpitations, from all the pizza/beer consumed the previous night. I ended up getting out of bed around 9:30, but I was super exhausted. I also had a terrible sore throat as well, and was feeling paranoid about my health for some reason. I ended up heading over to Anime Imports to play in the Saturday Modern tournament.
Deck I played. It was based off Patrick Dickmann's most recent Tarmo Twin list, that he played on Thursday, June 19th. However, I replaced 1 Thrun the Last Troll with Vendilion Clique, 1 Keranos, God of the Storms with Sowing Salt, and 1 Dismember with Combust.
Match 1: Soul Sisters (2-1)
Game 1:
I lost to 2/2 Squadron Hawks. I attempted to go off with Twin earlier but he had the path. I attempted to go off with Twin again, but this time he had double Soul's Attendant, so Twin on Pestermite wouldn't do anything. LEARN TO MATH
Game 2:
He has two Soul's Attendant in play, and I manage to kill both of them. One by flashing in a Deceiver Exarch and double blocking it with another Deceiver Exarch I had in play (he had Honor of the Pure in play). With some Anger of the Gods, Snapcaster Flashback Anger of the Gods, and my second Anger of the Gods, I clear up his entire board of tokens. He has a Damping Matrix, and Rest in Peace which screws over my Tarmogoyfs and Snapcaster Mages. I have Ancient Grudge to destroy his Damping Matrix. He ends up with one card in hand, and I go for the Twin combo. He scoops.
Game 3:
This was another grindy match of attrition, involving Anger of the Gods + Engineered Explosives. He has Damping Matrix again, and I don't have Ancient Grudge this time.
I end up beating down with two Deceiver Exarchs and a Snapcaster Mage. I finish him off with a bolt into Snapcaster Mage flashback bolt.
Match 2: Storm (1-1 draw)
Game 1:
He goes all the way down to 1 life, but I lose this match, because I can't top deck a bolt to finish him off.
Game 2:
I open with double Relic of Progenitus in my opening hand. I play turn 1 Relic and he refuses to cast any spells, besides a Goblin Electromancer. He kinda ends up going off, and I pop a Relic in middle of the chain, just to prevent him from upticking his Pyromancer's Ascension. I have a second Relic in hand so I don't worry about doing this.
Eventually, he plays Blood Moon, and I'm stuck with basic forest, and a bunch of Mountains. I end up having to discard two Cryptic Commands. I'm at 3 life, but I beat down with Tarmogoyf, taking him from 18 to 0 with just one Tarmogoyf.
Game 3:
Eight minutes left for this game. He plays a turn 2 Spellskite. Doesn't matter, since I'm not going for that kill.
I play Vendilion Clique while he's tapped out, and he has a Lightning Bolt in hand which I make him bottom. He plays an Empty the Warrens for six. Next turn I drop an Engineered Explosives for 0, and pop it, making him lose all his tokens. Then time gets called.
Match 3: Mono-U Tron
I had played against this guy during the last couple of Modern tournaments. I beat him in the previous two tournaments, so it was time for my comeuppance. And did I get my comeuppance today.
Game 1:
Had my opponent down to 1 life from Pestermite/Snapcaster aggro. He had Treasure Mage'd for Mindslaver, and shown me Academy Ruins from Expedition Map.
Tried to go for the Snapcaster into Bolt for the win, but he had the Remand into Spell Pierce. Then next turn he had the double Mindslaver into Academy Ruins lock.
Game 2:
For some reason I decided to side out three of my Splinter Twin, thinking I would be able to beat down. I kept a hand with Sowing Salt and Ancient Grudge. I Ancient Grudge'd his first two Talismans of Dominance, then Sowing Salt'd his Tower, even though he already had another Tower in play. I didn't read that Sowing Salt only gets Tower in hand/graveyard/library, not the other copies in play. He didn't have any other Tron pieces in play to get.
I play Vendilion Clique, and he had a ton of gas in his hand: Mindslaver, Sundering Titan, and Wurmcoil Engine.
I end up Snapcaster Mage flasjhback the Sowing Salt to get rid of his Academy Ruins.
I bottomed his Sundering Titan with Vendilion Clique.
He Mindslavered me, attacking my Thrun the Last Troll into his Wurmcoil Engine, and Lightning Bolting my Vendilion Clique. Then he cast Treasure Mage into Sundering Titan, cast Sundering Titan, I scoop. I should have saved the Ancient Grudge for Mindslaver/Wurmcoil Engine, or something. There was no reason to waste mana on his ramp guys, since my hand wasn't very aggressive as it was.
Result: 1-1-1
Played bad, got punished.
Sowing Salt turned out to be really over-rated.
Perhaps Squelch would be better for Tron, since it counters Mindslaver/Oblivion Stone.
Perhaps Keranos, God of Storms is worth giving another try in my sideboard, over Sowing Salt.
Maindeck Thrun the Last Troll was kinda bleh.
5 weeks until the Modern PTQ at Eudemonia. I am not prepared.
Deck I played. It was based off Patrick Dickmann's most recent Tarmo Twin list, that he played on Thursday, June 19th. However, I replaced 1 Thrun the Last Troll with Vendilion Clique, 1 Keranos, God of the Storms with Sowing Salt, and 1 Dismember with Combust.
2 Island
1 Mountain
1 Forest
3 Steam Vents
1 Breeding Pool
1 Stomping Ground
4 Scalding Tarn
4 Misty Rainforest
2 Hinterland Harbor
1 Sulfur Falls
2 Tectonic Edge
1 Flame Slash
2 Gitaxian Probe
4 Serum Visions
4 Lightning Bolt
1 Twisted Image
4 Remand
4 Snapcaster Mage
4 Tarmogoyf
3 Deceiver Exarch
3 Pestermite
1 Vendilion Clique
2 Cryptic Command
4 Splinter Twin
1 Thrun, the Last Troll
2 Ancient Grudge
2 Anger of the Gods
1 Threads of Disloyalty
1 Combust
2 Dispel
1 Engineered Explosives
2 Relic of Progenitus
1 Batterskull
1 Sowing Salt
1 Negate
1 Nature's Claim
Match 1: Soul Sisters (2-1)
Game 1:
I lost to 2/2 Squadron Hawks. I attempted to go off with Twin earlier but he had the path. I attempted to go off with Twin again, but this time he had double Soul's Attendant, so Twin on Pestermite wouldn't do anything. LEARN TO MATH
Game 2:
He has two Soul's Attendant in play, and I manage to kill both of them. One by flashing in a Deceiver Exarch and double blocking it with another Deceiver Exarch I had in play (he had Honor of the Pure in play). With some Anger of the Gods, Snapcaster Flashback Anger of the Gods, and my second Anger of the Gods, I clear up his entire board of tokens. He has a Damping Matrix, and Rest in Peace which screws over my Tarmogoyfs and Snapcaster Mages. I have Ancient Grudge to destroy his Damping Matrix. He ends up with one card in hand, and I go for the Twin combo. He scoops.
Game 3:
This was another grindy match of attrition, involving Anger of the Gods + Engineered Explosives. He has Damping Matrix again, and I don't have Ancient Grudge this time.
I end up beating down with two Deceiver Exarchs and a Snapcaster Mage. I finish him off with a bolt into Snapcaster Mage flashback bolt.
Match 2: Storm (1-1 draw)
Game 1:
He goes all the way down to 1 life, but I lose this match, because I can't top deck a bolt to finish him off.
Game 2:
I open with double Relic of Progenitus in my opening hand. I play turn 1 Relic and he refuses to cast any spells, besides a Goblin Electromancer. He kinda ends up going off, and I pop a Relic in middle of the chain, just to prevent him from upticking his Pyromancer's Ascension. I have a second Relic in hand so I don't worry about doing this.
Eventually, he plays Blood Moon, and I'm stuck with basic forest, and a bunch of Mountains. I end up having to discard two Cryptic Commands. I'm at 3 life, but I beat down with Tarmogoyf, taking him from 18 to 0 with just one Tarmogoyf.
Game 3:
Eight minutes left for this game. He plays a turn 2 Spellskite. Doesn't matter, since I'm not going for that kill.
I play Vendilion Clique while he's tapped out, and he has a Lightning Bolt in hand which I make him bottom. He plays an Empty the Warrens for six. Next turn I drop an Engineered Explosives for 0, and pop it, making him lose all his tokens. Then time gets called.
Match 3: Mono-U Tron
I had played against this guy during the last couple of Modern tournaments. I beat him in the previous two tournaments, so it was time for my comeuppance. And did I get my comeuppance today.
Game 1:
Had my opponent down to 1 life from Pestermite/Snapcaster aggro. He had Treasure Mage'd for Mindslaver, and shown me Academy Ruins from Expedition Map.
Tried to go for the Snapcaster into Bolt for the win, but he had the Remand into Spell Pierce. Then next turn he had the double Mindslaver into Academy Ruins lock.
Game 2:
For some reason I decided to side out three of my Splinter Twin, thinking I would be able to beat down. I kept a hand with Sowing Salt and Ancient Grudge. I Ancient Grudge'd his first two Talismans of Dominance, then Sowing Salt'd his Tower, even though he already had another Tower in play. I didn't read that Sowing Salt only gets Tower in hand/graveyard/library, not the other copies in play. He didn't have any other Tron pieces in play to get.
I play Vendilion Clique, and he had a ton of gas in his hand: Mindslaver, Sundering Titan, and Wurmcoil Engine.
I end up Snapcaster Mage flasjhback the Sowing Salt to get rid of his Academy Ruins.
I bottomed his Sundering Titan with Vendilion Clique.
He Mindslavered me, attacking my Thrun the Last Troll into his Wurmcoil Engine, and Lightning Bolting my Vendilion Clique. Then he cast Treasure Mage into Sundering Titan, cast Sundering Titan, I scoop. I should have saved the Ancient Grudge for Mindslaver/Wurmcoil Engine, or something. There was no reason to waste mana on his ramp guys, since my hand wasn't very aggressive as it was.
Result: 1-1-1
Played bad, got punished.
Sowing Salt turned out to be really over-rated.
Perhaps Squelch would be better for Tron, since it counters Mindslaver/Oblivion Stone.
Perhaps Keranos, God of Storms is worth giving another try in my sideboard, over Sowing Salt.
Maindeck Thrun the Last Troll was kinda bleh.
5 weeks until the Modern PTQ at Eudemonia. I am not prepared.
6/20/14 Ron Paul's Whimsical Jalopy (Theros block draft 2-1)
Work ended up super busy today, so I didn't have time to exercise before the tournament, or take a nap.
I went over to Gamescape North for Theros block draft. I don't actually like Theros block draft, but I didn't feel like driving to Versus Games to (draft) or Anime Imports to (draft). Geez.
P1P1: Polymorphous Rush,
P1P2: Got passed Dawnbringer Charioteers. Also there was a foil Reprisal.
P2P1: Took Siren of the Fanged Coast over Nessian Wilds Ravager.
P3P1: Took Ordeal of Heliod over Triad of the Fates.
So I ended up drafting a mostly blue deck, but not enough cards to make mono blue, which was annoying.
Apparently the guy across from me was white blue. Weird.
Red green black
Red green white
Red black
Blue green (left)
White blue (me)
Red black (right)
White black King Macar
White blue
1 Deepwater Hypnotist
2 Wavecrash Triton
1 Nimbus Naiad
1 Chorus of the Tides
1 Cloaked Siren
1 Prescient Chimera
1 Sealock Monster
1 Siren of the Fanged Coast
1 Whitewater Naiads
1 Retraction Helix
1 Triton Tactics
1 Pin to the Earth
1 Polymorphous Rush
2 Sudden Storm
1 Hopeful Eidolon
1 Stonewise Fortifier
1 Oreskos Swiftclaw
1 Observant Alseid
1 Dawnbringer Charioteers
1 Ajani's Presence
1 Ordeal of Heliod
9 Island
8 Plans
1 Triton Fortune Hunter
1 Coastline Chimera
1 Kraken of the Straits
1 Aerial Formation
1 Oracle's Insight
2 Satyr Grovedancer
1 Pheres-Band Tromper
1 Mortal's Resolve
1 Skyreaping
1 Time to Feed
1 Magma Spray
1 Fall of the Hammer
1 Elite Skirmisher
1 Great Hart
1 Ephara's Warden
2 Armanent of Nyx
1 Spellheart Chimera
Match 1: (2-0)
Game 1:
I kept a sketchy 6 land hand with Retraction Helix, ended up drawing into gas. My opponent punted by attacking his 3/3 into my Sealock Monster, when I had 8 mana up. He played a Rise to the Challenge but I responded by Monstrous'ing my Sealock Monster.
Game 2:
My opponent was super aggressive with Akroan Line-Breaker into Feral Invocation, taking me down to 6 life. I attacked with Cloaked Siren and Dawnbringer Charioteers, buffing my Dawnbringer Charioteers with Ajani's Presence so I gained 4 life (instead of 2 life), then played a Chorus of the Tides. Next turn, he attacked with Akroan Line-Breakers and used a Rise to the Challenge to give his guy intimidate and +2/+0 to bring me to 2 life, so it was important that I had gained 2 extra life the previous turn. Next turn, my opponent scooped to my flyers.
Match 2: (1-2)
Game 1:
He apparently he been playing Magic very early since he had a six digit DCI number. During the games, he reminded me a lot of this guy who used to play Sealed at Gamescape North, mainly because of the weird noises/aggressive comments he was making. He also said he thought pre-sideboarding in drafts/sealed was cool, which I voiced my displeasure with that opinion.
I kept a 3 lander on the draw but got stuck on mono blue with a few white cards in hand. I eventually drew a plains, after he built up a Triad of the Fates voltron with Observant Alseid and Aspect of Gorgon, and a Underworld Coinsmith and Aspect of Gorgon voltron. He had double Asphyxiate, and Lash of the Whip, and Cast Into Darkness for my Whitewater Naiads. I won thanks to Whitewater Naiads + a bunch of enchantments.
Game 2:
Opponent got turn 4 King Macar. Must be nice.
Game 3:
Again, opponent got turn 4 King Macar. What do you get the man who has it all. Suited up his King Macar with Aspect of Gorgon, and his Underworld Coinsmith with Aspect of Gorgon.
Then he killed me with Marshmist Titan into Gray Merchant of Asphodel.
He apparently got his King Macar passed to him. I wonder who actually passes that card, unless they got a foil money card. Of course, I find out later he won the draft pod.
Thinking about common removals in my colors: Last Breath, Excoriate, Divine Verdict, would have been good for King Macar. Nullify is okay against King Macar. Armament of Nyx and Oppressive Rays not good against King Macar. This is why Theros Block draft is terribad.
Match 3: UG (2-0)
Game 1:
I kept a 2 lander on the play. My opponent played a turn 3 Crystalline Nautilus, I killed it with a Retraction Helix targeting it. Then I drew into some lands. I built a voltron of Nimbus Naiad + Observant Alseid + Hopeful Eidolon. My opponent countered my Dawnbringer Charioteers with Countermand. *sadface* I ended up winning off Polymorphous Rush turning my flyers into Sealock Monster after blocks. Sick!
Game 2:
Polymorphous Rush did some work again, turning my creatures into Floodtide Serpent after blocks, allowing mad damage and a creature kill (his Floodtide Serpent with -3/-0 from Deepwater Hypnotist). He played a few more creatures, but I got him down to 3 life, and then he tapped out for Humbler of Mortals. I played Retraction Helix on my Deepwater Hypnotist to bounce his Horizon Chimera, then I attacked for lethal with my 3/5 Dawnbringer Charioteers.
Result: 2-1, 2 booster packs
I went over to Gamescape North for Theros block draft. I don't actually like Theros block draft, but I didn't feel like driving to Versus Games to (draft) or Anime Imports to (draft). Geez.
P1P1: Polymorphous Rush,
P1P2: Got passed Dawnbringer Charioteers. Also there was a foil Reprisal.
P2P1: Took Siren of the Fanged Coast over Nessian Wilds Ravager.
P3P1: Took Ordeal of Heliod over Triad of the Fates.
So I ended up drafting a mostly blue deck, but not enough cards to make mono blue, which was annoying.
Apparently the guy across from me was white blue. Weird.
Red green black
Red green white
Red black
Blue green (left)
White blue (me)
Red black (right)
White black King Macar
White blue
1 Deepwater Hypnotist
2 Wavecrash Triton
1 Nimbus Naiad
1 Chorus of the Tides
1 Cloaked Siren
1 Prescient Chimera
1 Sealock Monster
1 Siren of the Fanged Coast
1 Whitewater Naiads
1 Retraction Helix
1 Triton Tactics
1 Pin to the Earth
1 Polymorphous Rush
2 Sudden Storm
1 Hopeful Eidolon
1 Stonewise Fortifier
1 Oreskos Swiftclaw
1 Observant Alseid
1 Dawnbringer Charioteers
1 Ajani's Presence
1 Ordeal of Heliod
9 Island
8 Plans
1 Triton Fortune Hunter
1 Coastline Chimera
1 Kraken of the Straits
1 Aerial Formation
1 Oracle's Insight
2 Satyr Grovedancer
1 Pheres-Band Tromper
1 Mortal's Resolve
1 Skyreaping
1 Time to Feed
1 Magma Spray
1 Fall of the Hammer
1 Elite Skirmisher
1 Great Hart
1 Ephara's Warden
2 Armanent of Nyx
1 Spellheart Chimera
Match 1: (2-0)
Game 1:
I kept a sketchy 6 land hand with Retraction Helix, ended up drawing into gas. My opponent punted by attacking his 3/3 into my Sealock Monster, when I had 8 mana up. He played a Rise to the Challenge but I responded by Monstrous'ing my Sealock Monster.
Game 2:
My opponent was super aggressive with Akroan Line-Breaker into Feral Invocation, taking me down to 6 life. I attacked with Cloaked Siren and Dawnbringer Charioteers, buffing my Dawnbringer Charioteers with Ajani's Presence so I gained 4 life (instead of 2 life), then played a Chorus of the Tides. Next turn, he attacked with Akroan Line-Breakers and used a Rise to the Challenge to give his guy intimidate and +2/+0 to bring me to 2 life, so it was important that I had gained 2 extra life the previous turn. Next turn, my opponent scooped to my flyers.
Match 2: (1-2)
Game 1:
He apparently he been playing Magic very early since he had a six digit DCI number. During the games, he reminded me a lot of this guy who used to play Sealed at Gamescape North, mainly because of the weird noises/aggressive comments he was making. He also said he thought pre-sideboarding in drafts/sealed was cool, which I voiced my displeasure with that opinion.
I kept a 3 lander on the draw but got stuck on mono blue with a few white cards in hand. I eventually drew a plains, after he built up a Triad of the Fates voltron with Observant Alseid and Aspect of Gorgon, and a Underworld Coinsmith and Aspect of Gorgon voltron. He had double Asphyxiate, and Lash of the Whip, and Cast Into Darkness for my Whitewater Naiads. I won thanks to Whitewater Naiads + a bunch of enchantments.
Game 2:
Opponent got turn 4 King Macar. Must be nice.
Game 3:
Again, opponent got turn 4 King Macar. What do you get the man who has it all. Suited up his King Macar with Aspect of Gorgon, and his Underworld Coinsmith with Aspect of Gorgon.
Then he killed me with Marshmist Titan into Gray Merchant of Asphodel.
He apparently got his King Macar passed to him. I wonder who actually passes that card, unless they got a foil money card. Of course, I find out later he won the draft pod.
Thinking about common removals in my colors: Last Breath, Excoriate, Divine Verdict, would have been good for King Macar. Nullify is okay against King Macar. Armament of Nyx and Oppressive Rays not good against King Macar. This is why Theros Block draft is terribad.
Match 3: UG (2-0)
Game 1:
I kept a 2 lander on the play. My opponent played a turn 3 Crystalline Nautilus, I killed it with a Retraction Helix targeting it. Then I drew into some lands. I built a voltron of Nimbus Naiad + Observant Alseid + Hopeful Eidolon. My opponent countered my Dawnbringer Charioteers with Countermand. *sadface* I ended up winning off Polymorphous Rush turning my flyers into Sealock Monster after blocks. Sick!
Game 2:
Polymorphous Rush did some work again, turning my creatures into Floodtide Serpent after blocks, allowing mad damage and a creature kill (his Floodtide Serpent with -3/-0 from Deepwater Hypnotist). He played a few more creatures, but I got him down to 3 life, and then he tapped out for Humbler of Mortals. I played Retraction Helix on my Deepwater Hypnotist to bounce his Horizon Chimera, then I attacked for lethal with my 3/5 Dawnbringer Charioteers.
Result: 2-1, 2 booster packs
Monday, June 16, 2014
3/1/14 (flashback Born of the Gods Game Day, 4-0 Swiss, 2-0 top 4)
3/1/14 Time Keeps on Slippin' Game Day Born of the Gods tournament report 6-0
- By MercurioBlue
- Category Icon MercurioBlue Blog
I didn't get much sleep last night. After drinking beer and eating pizza, I went to bed around 1:40 a.m. Then I woke up at 4:00 a.m., watched some of the NumotTheNummy Twitch 24 hour stream, then went back to bed at 5:00 a.m. I woke up around 7:00 a.m., then time went all the way to 9:00 a.m. Then I woke up for real, watched the end of the NumotTheNummy Twitch stream, then got ready for the tournament.
14 people showed up to the tournament.
I was pretty sleepy during the entire match, so I don't remember every match too well, but I will check my tournament notes later.
Match 1: Esper Control (2-1)
Game 1:
Kept 2 lands on the draw, never picked up any other lands until turn 10. Scooped to Jace, Architect of Thought ultimate, so he can't see what's in my deck.
Game 2:
This is a grindy game, I manage to land a Nightveil Specter. Next turn I cast Master of Waves[/CARD pre-combat, so I get four devotion. I attack with the Specter and take his Jace, Architect of Thought, He casts Far // Away, bouncing my specter and I sacrifice an elemental token. I recast Nightveil Specter the next turn, and get a Dissolve. He then casts Sphinx's Revelation holding up 3 mana. I Dissolve the Sphinx's Revelation, he counters with his own Dissolve, then I cast Negate on the Dissolve. Opponent goes to Scoopstown.
Game 3:
Won in extra turns, thanks to double Mutavault and Tidebinder Mage. I sac'd my second Mutavault to his Far // Away.
Match 2: Junk Reanimator 2-1
Game 1:
Double 2/3 Cloudfin Raptor and Judge's Familiar beatdown. Woo.
Game 2:
Game 3:
Game went to extra turns again, I managed to win off Master of the Waves tokens and double Tidebinder Mage to lock down two of his blockers. Bident of Thassa did a bunch of work this game, drawing me a bunch of cards.
Match 3: Minotaurs (2-1)
Game 1:
Don't remember this game, but I won.
Game 2:
Lost to Minotaur brown-age.
Game 3:
Double Master of Waves was pretty sweet here.
Match 4: UR Young Pyromancer (2-0)
Game 1:
I made a mistake on Steam Augury giving my opponent Spellheart Chimera and Mizzium Skin, over Lightning Strike, Cyclonic Rift, and a land.
Mulled to 4, got hit by a Spellheart Chimera for 9, and still won.
Game 2:
Opponent mulled to 5, got stuck on 2 lands.
Match 5: UR Young Pyromancer 2-0
Game 1:
This game takes a while, between Mizzium Mortars, Essence Scatter, Dissolve, and Cyclonic Rift. However, I resolve Master of Waves and beat down.
Game 2:
Double Master of Waves is too stronk for him.
Match 6: Minotaurs rematch (2-0)
Game 1:
Thassa, God of the Sea smooths my draws significantly, and the air force of double Cloudfin Raptor and Nightveil Specter gets it done.
Game 2:
Domestication is very good against Boros Reckoner.
I forget to play a Mutavault, missing mana.
Had a key Negate for Boros Charm that would have killed me, kill my opponent on the swing back.
Result: 6-0
14 booster packs
10/19/13 (flashback Theros Game Day, 3-1 Swiss, 2-0 top 4)
The LGS was holding a Game Day event, the first one since I started going to tournaments at the LGS (which started with the M13 prerelease). I spent the previous night working on reorganizing my card collection and putting together Mono-Blue devotion, staying up until 1:45 a.m. the previous night. I woke up around 7:15 a.m. then fell asleep again until 9:30 a.m. I felt pretty crappy, regardless. I had the idea to put together Devotion to Gruul instead of mono-blue, and I ended up not getting to the tournament until 11:50 a.m. (10 minutes before the scheduled start time) but the tournament ended up getting delayed 15 minutes because of people who called in. In the end, 16 people showed up (which was double the number of people who showed up to the M14 Game Day event I went to in SF).
The reason I showed up so late is because I decided to change my deck from Mono-Red devotion to Devotion to Gruul (the Team Channel Fireball version).
This is the deck list I played:
I had two Magma Jet instead of two Xenagos, The Reveler (because I don't own any Xenagos). I'm not sure if Xenagos would have made a difference in any matchups I played.
Match 1: BW (2-0)
Game 1:
Not really much to report here. My opponent basically played Phalanx Captain and Corpse Hauler. Fanatic of Mogis finished him off.
Game 2:
Same as Game 1.
Match 2: Junk good stuff (1-2)
Game 1:
Won this game cause my opponent got flooded.
Game 2:
Lost to Call of the Conclave and Voice of Resurgence backed up with Selesnya Charm (exiling my Purphoros), Putrefy, and Doom Blade. He killed my first Stormbreath Dragon then I had the choice to play a second Stormbreath Dragon or a Boros Reckoner. Foolishly, I played the Reckoner and lost to Abrupt Decay and Selesnya Charm.
Game 3:
Killed his first Centaur token with Mizzium Mortars, then he got another Centaur token in play, which I didn't kill for some reason, and then he suited it up with Unflinching Courage. He attacked into my Ember Swallower and Burning Tree Emissary with impunity, which made me think he had Selesnya Charm, which he indeed had, when I tried to go Monstrous on the Ember Swallower. Eh, there was no chance I was beating Unflinching Courage in my deck anyways.
Match 3: Mono-blue Card Draw
Game 1:
Mulled to 5, proceeded to get kicked in the teeth by Stealer of Secrets with Thassa's Emissary and Bident of Thassa. Again, red/green has problems dealing with 5/5's.
Game 2:
Opponent got the same "stuck on 3 lands" thing I had first game. He let me get off the Domri Rade emblem, even though he had a Judge's Familiar in play, he was attacking me and not Domri (why). I quickly finished him off after that.
Game 3:
This game was a bit closer. I punted when he had two Judge's Familiar in play, and I tried to Magma Jet his Mutavault when he attacked. I forgot Judge's Familiar had text.
I still ended up winning anyways, with Domri Rade and Boros Reckoner to clear his board, then Fanatic of Mogis to finish.
Match 4: Simic Heroics (2-0)
Game 1:
Opponent played turn 2 Deadly Recluse followed by turn 3 Reverent Hunter. I removed the Recluse with Magma Jet then he played a secondReverent Hunter and a Centaur Battlemaster. I still won thanks to Fanatic of Mogis.
Game 2:
This game played out similarly to the first, except I kept a 2 lander. I blew Mizzium Mortars on Vorel of the Hull Clade. I finished him off with Purphoros, God of the Forge.
I barely made it into the Top 4. Two people had 10 points, and 3 people had 9 points. I was fourth place thanks to tiebreakers, and made it into the Single-Elimination rounds.
Match 5: Mono-Black Devotion (2-1)
Game 1:
Mulled to 6, because I didn't want to keep 2 lands/3 Stormbreath Dragon. Ultimately got there thanks to double Stormbreath Dragon and Purphoros, God of the Forge.
I punted by using Domri Rade +1 ability THEN playing Temple of Abandon. Ugh.
Game 2:
Lost due to getting land screwed on a mull to 5 and got finished off by Abhorrent Overlord, thanks to my opponent drawing 3 a turn with doubleUnderworld Connections.
Game 3:
Kept a 7. Opponent was a bit land screwed, I had a choice between playing Stormbreath Dragon or attacking with Fanatic of Mogis and keeping upMagma Jet for Mutavault. Opponent activated Mutavault to block my Fanatic, I used Magma Jet before blocks, Stone Rain + Scry 2 sounds good.
I punted because I had a Ratchet Bomb with two counters and my opponent had a Ratchet Bomb with two counters. I played Ash Zealot, attacked, did 2 damage, then my opponent popped bomb to kill my bomb/Zealot. I should have popped my bomb before playing Zealot to kill my opponent's bomb.
Match 6: Junk Fabled Hero (2-1)
Game 1:
Opponent won the die roll, and chose to draw. I kept a 1 lander on the play with a Scry land, and three two drops. I figured this would be a good hand, but opponent played a turn 3 Fabled Hero with turn 4 Ethereal Armor. Since my deck doesn't have any removal besides Magma Jet main deck, I was bound to lose. He played a Lifebane Zombie but I didn't have any green/white creatures in hand.
Game 2:
I boarded into the full Mizzium Mortar, Shock, Anger of the Gods Removal suite. I removed Burning-Tree Emissary and Boros Reckoner since he played maindeck [/CARD]Lifebane Zombie[/CARD].
Removal on his Fabled Hero was key. Fanatic of Mogis followed by monstrous mode Stormbreath Dragon finished him.
Game 3:
Mulled to 6, kept two Mizzium Mortar and four lands. Since he played a turn three Fabled Hero and a turn 4 Fabled Hero this turned out to be correct. He played a Thoughtseize on me when I had two lands in hand. Finished him off with Purphoros, God of the Forge attacking with Stormbreath Dragonand Fanatic of Mogis.
I punted again by playing a mountain instead of Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx which caused me to miss a God pump (which would have done two extra damage). Oh well.
Result: Game Day Theros mat, 10 Theros booster packs, respect+++ from the LGS players. All in all, it was a pretty good day, besides the multiple punts.
Hammer of Purphoros turned out to be pretty awful for me. I sided them out every game. I never felt like I was "flooding out" in any of my games. Instead, I felt like I was mana constrained, when I didn't have Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx and 5+ devotion to red. I think this deck could honestly use 1-2 more land. I would probably cut the Hammers.
I never drew my Anger of the Gods when I sided them in, but I guess they would be pretty good against devotion strategies.
The reason I showed up so late is because I decided to change my deck from Mono-Red devotion to Devotion to Gruul (the Team Channel Fireball version).
This is the deck list I played:
DeckMagic OnlineOCTGN2ApprenticeBuy These Cards | ||
LANDS: 12 Mountain 4 Temple of Abandon 4 Stomping Ground 4 Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx 1 Gruul Guildgate CREATURES: 4 Stormbreath Dragon 4 Frostburn Weird 4 Fanatic of Mogis 4 Burning-Tree Emissary 4 Boros Reckoner 4 Ash Zealot 3 Purphoros, God of the Forge | INSTANTS/SORCERIES: 2 Magma Jet OTHER SPELLS: 4 Domri Rade 2 Hammer of Purphoros | SIDEBOARD: 2 Anger of the Gods 2 Chandra, Pyromaster 2 Destructive Revelry 2 Ember Swallower 4 Mizzium Mortars 1 Ratchet Bomb 2 Shock |
I had two Magma Jet instead of two Xenagos, The Reveler (because I don't own any Xenagos). I'm not sure if Xenagos would have made a difference in any matchups I played.
Match 1: BW (2-0)
Game 1:
Not really much to report here. My opponent basically played Phalanx Captain and Corpse Hauler. Fanatic of Mogis finished him off.
Game 2:
Same as Game 1.
Match 2: Junk good stuff (1-2)
Game 1:
Won this game cause my opponent got flooded.
Game 2:
Lost to Call of the Conclave and Voice of Resurgence backed up with Selesnya Charm (exiling my Purphoros), Putrefy, and Doom Blade. He killed my first Stormbreath Dragon then I had the choice to play a second Stormbreath Dragon or a Boros Reckoner. Foolishly, I played the Reckoner and lost to Abrupt Decay and Selesnya Charm.
Game 3:
Killed his first Centaur token with Mizzium Mortars, then he got another Centaur token in play, which I didn't kill for some reason, and then he suited it up with Unflinching Courage. He attacked into my Ember Swallower and Burning Tree Emissary with impunity, which made me think he had Selesnya Charm, which he indeed had, when I tried to go Monstrous on the Ember Swallower. Eh, there was no chance I was beating Unflinching Courage in my deck anyways.
Match 3: Mono-blue Card Draw
Game 1:
Mulled to 5, proceeded to get kicked in the teeth by Stealer of Secrets with Thassa's Emissary and Bident of Thassa. Again, red/green has problems dealing with 5/5's.
Game 2:
Opponent got the same "stuck on 3 lands" thing I had first game. He let me get off the Domri Rade emblem, even though he had a Judge's Familiar in play, he was attacking me and not Domri (why). I quickly finished him off after that.
Game 3:
This game was a bit closer. I punted when he had two Judge's Familiar in play, and I tried to Magma Jet his Mutavault when he attacked. I forgot Judge's Familiar had text.
Match 4: Simic Heroics (2-0)
Game 1:
Opponent played turn 2 Deadly Recluse followed by turn 3 Reverent Hunter. I removed the Recluse with Magma Jet then he played a secondReverent Hunter and a Centaur Battlemaster. I still won thanks to Fanatic of Mogis.
Game 2:
This game played out similarly to the first, except I kept a 2 lander. I blew Mizzium Mortars on Vorel of the Hull Clade. I finished him off with Purphoros, God of the Forge.
I barely made it into the Top 4. Two people had 10 points, and 3 people had 9 points. I was fourth place thanks to tiebreakers, and made it into the Single-Elimination rounds.
Match 5: Mono-Black Devotion (2-1)
Game 1:
Mulled to 6, because I didn't want to keep 2 lands/3 Stormbreath Dragon. Ultimately got there thanks to double Stormbreath Dragon and Purphoros, God of the Forge.
I punted by using Domri Rade +1 ability THEN playing Temple of Abandon. Ugh.
Game 2:
Lost due to getting land screwed on a mull to 5 and got finished off by Abhorrent Overlord, thanks to my opponent drawing 3 a turn with doubleUnderworld Connections.
Game 3:
Kept a 7. Opponent was a bit land screwed, I had a choice between playing Stormbreath Dragon or attacking with Fanatic of Mogis and keeping upMagma Jet for Mutavault. Opponent activated Mutavault to block my Fanatic, I used Magma Jet before blocks, Stone Rain + Scry 2 sounds good.
I punted because I had a Ratchet Bomb with two counters and my opponent had a Ratchet Bomb with two counters. I played Ash Zealot, attacked, did 2 damage, then my opponent popped bomb to kill my bomb/Zealot. I should have popped my bomb before playing Zealot to kill my opponent's bomb.
Match 6: Junk Fabled Hero (2-1)
Game 1:
Opponent won the die roll, and chose to draw. I kept a 1 lander on the play with a Scry land, and three two drops. I figured this would be a good hand, but opponent played a turn 3 Fabled Hero with turn 4 Ethereal Armor. Since my deck doesn't have any removal besides Magma Jet main deck, I was bound to lose. He played a Lifebane Zombie but I didn't have any green/white creatures in hand.
Game 2:
I boarded into the full Mizzium Mortar, Shock, Anger of the Gods Removal suite. I removed Burning-Tree Emissary and Boros Reckoner since he played maindeck [/CARD]Lifebane Zombie[/CARD].
Removal on his Fabled Hero was key. Fanatic of Mogis followed by monstrous mode Stormbreath Dragon finished him.
Game 3:
Mulled to 6, kept two Mizzium Mortar and four lands. Since he played a turn three Fabled Hero and a turn 4 Fabled Hero this turned out to be correct. He played a Thoughtseize on me when I had two lands in hand. Finished him off with Purphoros, God of the Forge attacking with Stormbreath Dragonand Fanatic of Mogis.
I punted again by playing a mountain instead of Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx which caused me to miss a God pump (which would have done two extra damage). Oh well.
Result: Game Day Theros mat, 10 Theros booster packs, respect+++ from the LGS players. All in all, it was a pretty good day, besides the multiple punts.
Hammer of Purphoros turned out to be pretty awful for me. I sided them out every game. I never felt like I was "flooding out" in any of my games. Instead, I felt like I was mana constrained, when I didn't have Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx and 5+ devotion to red. I think this deck could honestly use 1-2 more land. I would probably cut the Hammers.
I never drew my Anger of the Gods when I sided them in, but I guess they would be pretty good against devotion strategies.
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