Saturday, May 24, 2014

5/24/14 Top deck heroes (Journey to Nyx Game Day bleagh, 1-3 drop)

I went over to Gamescape North for Game Day, hoping I could win another tournament in a row.  It was not meant to be.

This is the deck I played:

11 Swamp
4 Temple of Silence
4 Godless Shrine
4 Mutavault
2 Orzhov Guildgate
1 Plains

4 Pack Rat
3 Desecration Demon
4 Blood Baron of Vizkopa
2 Obzedat, Ghost Council

4 Hero's Downfall
4 Thoughtseize
4 Bile Blight
3 Devour Flesh
1 Ultimate Price

4 Underworld Connections
2 Elspeth, Sun's Champion

4 Duress
2 Deicide
3 Lifebane Zombie
1 Obzedat, Ghost Council
3 Doom Blade
2 Drown in Sorrow

I lent someone from the store Jund Monsters.

Match 1:   Selesnya Hexproof (2-0)

Game 1:

My opponent played a Eidolon of Countless Battles.  Next turn he plays an Unflinching Courage into Ethereal Armor to gain 8 life.  It doesn't matter anyways, because I have Heroes's Dowfall for it, and win with Pack Rat.

Game 2:

Another Pack Rat victory.  Opponent doesn't seem to have creatures to stop this.

Match 2:  Mono-black aggro  (0-2)

Game 1:

Mulled to 5, opponent had turn 1 Thoughtseize.  I eventually run out of answers for all his threats, and he top decks Pack Rat to kill me.

Game 2:

I kept 6, had turn 1 Thoughtseize, discarded my opponent's Erebos, God of the Dead.  Turn 2 I Duressed his Far//Away.  He had Lifebane Zombie, but discarded it to a topdeck Pack Rat, and I used Bile Blight to get rid of them both.

Still, I end up losing, because my opponent has Brain Maggot for my Blood Baron of Vizkopa (the turn right before I cast it) and I don't have any removal.  He goes Spiteful Returned into Herald of Torment.   I topdeck Orzhov Guildgate with 2 life left.  I could have played Elspeth but it wouldn't have mattered, since I would have died to the Herald of Torment anyways.

Match 3:  Brave Naya  (0-2)

Game 1:

I played a Blood Baron of Vizkopa, but didn't attack, in order to play around Advent of the Wurm.

Lost to triple  Boros Charm.

Game 2:

My opponent beats me down with Fiendslayer Paladin and double Ghor-Clan Rampager bloodrush.  I play a Blood Baron of Vizkopa to try and stabilize.  He has topdeck Mizzium Mortars to kill my Blood Baron and swing for the win.

Match 4:   RW burn  (0-2)

Game 1:

Lost to Chandra's Phoenix into Guttersnipe into Lightning Strike for lethal.  Geez.

Game 2:

Lost to topdeck Chained to the Rocks for my Desecration Demon, and Boros Charm, again.

Ironically, the person I lent Jund Monsters to ended up going to the finals.  I left the event before it finished.

Top 4 decks were:

1.  Jund Monsters
2.  Selesnya Karametra deck
3.  Selesnya Hexproof (the guy I beat first round)
4.  Brave Naya (not the guy I played against, but someone else)

It just wasn't my day, today.   Went 1-3 in matches, 2-6 in games.

I thought about going to Anime Imports to draft today but it was already 4:15 p.m. when I left, so it was too late.

I could go to Game Day at D20 games tomorrow at 10 a.m. but I would have to leave house at 9 am which is rough.  There is Game Day at Anime Imports tomorrow at 4 p.m. but I'm pretty sure it would be full of people from Versus Games.  So maybe it's best I took a break from Standard constructed.

Next couple of weeks will be interesting.  There's a 1k Standard tournament at Versus Games on Saturday 11 a.m., and a 1k Legacy tournament at Versus Games on Sunday 11 a.m.

On 6/7 there's a Modern 1k at Versus Games which is probably I would play at.   Of course, it's also Conspiracy weekend so my ability to play constructed (or Theros block drafts) will be affected by that.

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