Monday, May 19, 2014

5/18/14 "Failure to comply, will result in offensive action" Standard tournament 2-2

I wanted to get in some Standard practice before Game Day at Gamescape on Saturday.   So I drove 40 minutes over to D20 games.  It was pretty quiet, and the tournament didn't start until 11:41 a.m.

11 Swamp
4 Mutavault
4 Godless Shrine
4 Temple of Silence
2 Orzhov Guildgate
1 Plains

4 Pack Rat
3 Blood Baron of Vizkopa
3 Desecration Demon
2 Obzedat, Ghost Council

4 Hero's Downfall
4 Thoughtseize
3 Bile Blight
3 Devour Flesh
2 Duress
1 Ultimate Price

3 Underworld Connections
2 Elspeth, Sun's Champion

1 Underworld Connections
1 Blood Baron of Vizkopa
1 Obzedat, Ghost Council
3 Lifebane Zombie
1 Deicide
1 Revoke Existence (this should have been a Deicide but I couldn't find one in time)
2 Doom Blade
2 Last Breath
1 Drown in Sorrow
2 Duress

Match 1:  Hoogland Junk (2-0)

Game 1:

My opponent mulled to 5.

He had Abrupt Decay for my Underworld Connections.

He couldn't deal with double Desecration Demon, though.

Game 2:

Timely usage of Thoughtseize, Duress, and removal spells allowed me to take total control of the game.

Opponent apparently got flooded out, and raged a bit.  I walked away from the table.

Match 2:  Junk Reanimator (2-1)

Game 1:

I got my Blood Baron to be a 10/10 flying FTW.

Game 2:

I mulled to 5, and lost to my opponent's Blood Baron + double Angel of Serenity.  Awkward.

Game 3:

I had Thoughtseize for his Blood Baron, Lifebane Zombie for one of his Sylvan Primordials.  He never got the mana for his second Sylvan Primordial or his Angel of Serenity.

Match 3:  RDW (2-1)

Game 1:

He gets me down to 5 life, but double desecration demon wins.

Game 2:

I banked on Pack Rat activations, rather than trying to play my 5 drops.  It didn't pay off, and my opponent ended up at 25 life (Devour Flesh and Last Breath).

Game 3:

I got him down to 8 life between two Pack Rats and Mutavault, but lost to Burning Earth (hit me for 3 total), Skullcrack, and topdeck Magma Jet.

Match 4:  UW heroic (0-2)

This match was for "fun".

Game 1:

Got flooded out to hell, died to weenie beat down.

Game 2:

Lost to mono-precinct Captain and me without my Drown in Sorrows or Bile Blight.

I would like to fit in a second copy of Drown in Sorrow and another Doom Blade.  Perhaps I should cut both of the Last Breaths, though I like having Last Breath for removing Chandra's Phoenix from the game.

Result:  Got 1 pack for my effort.  Not the best, but I did play some Standard matches for practice for another 90 minutes after the tournament, which made it worth my while.

Apparently I didn't play against the "good" standard players, whose names were on the wall.   That's kinda scary.  I thought the matches I played were pretty even (except for the last one).

I've seen some versions of the deck that run 4 Desecration Demo, or 2 Sin Collector, or 3 Dark Betrayal, or 2 Ultimate Price, or 4 Bile Blight.   I wonder which cards I would take out, though.

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