P1P1: Rare was Necromancer's Stockpile. I took the Paragon of New Dawns over Ulcerate and Lightning Strike.
P1P2: Indulgent Tormentor. Who passes that?
P1P4: Geist of the Moors.
P2P1: Rare was Hoarding Dragon. I didn't feel I was anywhere near red, so I passed it on, taking Necrogen Scudder.
P3P1: Rare was Chandra, Pyromaster. I took it over Raise the Alarm/Kinsbaile Skirmisher/Rogue's Gloves.
The Rogue's Gloves WHEELED. YAY.
Person on my left was red/white. Person on my right was black/blue. Huh.
White: 11
1 Sungrace Pegasus
1 Kinsbaile Skirmisher
1 Heliod's Pilgrim
2 Geist of the Moors
1 Paragon of New Dawns
1 Razorfoot Griffin
1 Ephmeral Shields
1 Pillar of Light
2 Marked by Honor
Black: 11
2 Typhoid Rats
1 Child of Night
2 Necrogen Scudder
1 Gravedigger
1 Shadowcloak Vampire
1 Indulgent Tormentor
1 Sign in Blood
1 Unmake the Graves
1 Covenant of Blood
Artifact: 1
1 Rogue's Gloves
Land: 17
9 Swamp
8 Plains
1 Midnight Guard
1 Divine Favor
1 Ephemeral Shields
1 Pillar of Light
1 Solemn Offering
1 Congregate
1 Sanctified Charge
1 Witch's Familiar
1 Festergloom
1 Hammerhand
1 Chandra, Pyromaster
2 Sunblade Elf
1 Satyr Wayfinder
1 Carnivorous Moss-Beast
1 Plummet
1 Back to Nature
1 Hunter's Ambush
1 Verdant Haven
Match 1: RG (2-0)
Game 1:
Opponent seemed to get flooded out. Child of Night got in serious beats.
Game 2:
This game was a bit closer, but careful use of my two Typhoid Rats and Unmake the Graves, allowed me to hold the ground, while my flyers sealed the deal.
Match 2: UB (2-0)
Game 1:
He bounced my Necrogen Scudder with Void Snare, which sucked.
He applied a Stab Wound on my Necrogen Scudder, but I beat him down with my flying creatures (Necrogen Scudder, Razorclaw Griffin, and Indulgent Tormentor).
Game 2:
This game was a bit slower, with my opponent having Frost Lynx and Void Snare to slow me down. He also had Jalira, Master Polymorphist (wombo combo with his Coral Barrier). He Mind Sculpted me turn 2 , milling my Indulgent Tormentor. Also, he admitted he had Stain the Mind in his hand. So I didn't want to use my Gravedigger or Unmake the Graves to get Indulgent Tormentor back. Eventually, he popped off Stain the Mind, naming "Stab Wound" and searched my hand/library. He got kinda pissed, saying my deck was just Indulgent Tormentor and a couple of ways to get him back. (this was true)
He had Encrust for my Indulgent Tormentor, but I had Marked by Honor to give it vigilance. Then he tapped down my Indulgent Tormentor with Frost Lynx (sad times) but I swung for 8 with my Necrogen Scudder, Geist of the Moors, and Razorclaw Griffin.
Match 3: GR (2-0)
This guy argued with me at an earlier tournament about Legacy dredge (wtf). So I thought he was kind of a douchebag.
Game 1:
He "blew me out" with Gather Courage on his Runeclaw Bear when I attacked with Child of Night, then followed up with Inferno Fist.
I managed to get max value. I played an Indulgent Tormentor, he killed it with Heat Ray. I played Gravedigger on it, getting Indulgent Tormentor back. He played Restock, getting back Heat Ray and Inferno Fist. He re-fisted his bear, I blocked with Gravedigger, then he sac'd the Fist to kill my Gravedigger. I replayed Indulgent Tormentor, he Heat Ray'd again. Next turn, I played Unmake the Graves on Indulgent Tormentor and Gravedigger.
Eventually, I put Marked by Honor on Indulgent Tormentor, holding up Ephmeral Shields and Pillar of Light.
I blocked his Goblin Roughrider with my 7/5 Indulgent Tormentor.
Opponent got a 1 for 1 from Cone of Flame. Hitting me for 3, hitting one of my creatures for 2, and one of his other creatures for 1. I responded with Ephemeral Shields, turning my Indulgent Tormentor indestructible until end of turn. I was waiting for the followup Lightning Strike for troll value, but instead he scooped.
Game 2:
My first hand was three swamp, Typhoid Rats, three white spells. I shipped back, got a no-lander, mulled to 5, plains, Child of Night, Necrogen Scudder, Typhoid Rats, Indulgent Tormentor. Opponent put me on the PLAY. I drew swamp turn 2 (had it). He played a Generator Servant, didn't block the Child of Night. Next turn, he sac'ed servant, hit me for hasty 4 damage with Kird Chieftain.
Next turn, I untapped, and popped off Pillar of Light on his Kird Chieftain. Perhaps I could have waited until he tapped out, since he had two mana up, but I would rather not give him an extra draw for a possible Ranger's Guile.
I drew an Ephmeral Shields, and held it up. Managed to get my opponent down to 2 life, with Indulgent Tormentor, 5 mana, Ephmeral Shields in hand. I didn't play the Indulgent Tormentor, thinking there was no reason to play into two removal spells, but he would have played them earlier? So I should have just played the Indulgent Tormentor.
Result: 3-0 in matches, 6-0 in games, six packs
Also I traded my foil Deathrite Shaman, foil Geist of Saint Traft, foil Young Pyromancer for two Noble Hierarch and four slightly played Blackcleave Cliff. Value.
Update: I passed a Silver Hive for Geist of the Moors during the draft. Lost out on 5 dollars value.
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