DGM Game Day at Two Cats Comics. 9 people, 4 rounds of swiss, Top 8. I was playing Naya midrange (Efro's PT Gatecrash list). I went 3-1 in the Swiss, lost game 3 of the finals against Aristocrats because I only drew buddylands (no shocklands or basics) and only one red source. I punt by playing Burning-Tree Emissary off my one red source and a green source, meaning I can't play Hellrider from my hand. If I had been able to play Hellrider, I would have won (my opponent didn't have any removal). A A few turns later, he topdecked Falkenrath Arisocrat and killed me with it. It was upsetting because my opponent was a major douchebag smoking an e-cigarette the whole time, and flaunting the fact that he was a level 1 judge.
M14 Game Day at Two Cats Comics. This event almost didn't happen, due to lack of people. I was playing Kibler GR aggro. I beat Slivers in the first round, then lost to my friend who was playing GW Silverblade Paladin combo. My friend ended up winning the event.
Theros Game Day at Gamescape North. Four rounds of swiss, and a top 4. I played Channel Fireball mono-red devotion (from the PT) and I barely squeak into top 4 with a 3-1 record. I beat mono-black devotion in the semifinals, and promptly lose game 1 of the finals against mono-white heroic because I kept a 1 lander (scry land) on the draw) and didn't get there. However, I manage to close out both of the next two games.
Born of the Gods Game Day at Gamescape North. Four rounds of swiss, and a top 4 (again). I played mono-blue devotion splashing white for Detention Sphere/Ephara, God of the Polis. Go 4-0 in the Swiss (it gets reported as 3-0-1 for some reason). In the semifinals, I get paired against the same guy I played against in the 4th round, beat him pretty easily. Then I win vs. BR minotaurs in a close 3 game session, thanks to Negate countering a (would-be) lethal Boros Charm, and swinging for lethal next turn.
Journey to Nyx Game Day at Gamescape North. Foun rounds of swiss, top 4. I go 1-2 playing BW Midrange/control. Bleh. I play a 4th round for fun, promptly lose to Boros Burn.
M15 Game Day at Gamescape North. Four rounds of swiss, top 4. I decide to play BW midrange again, despite having practiced Boros Burn a bunch. I promptly go 0-2, drop, then go home to eat some food, then play in a draft at Versus Games.
KTK Game Day at Gamescape North. I play Jeskai aggro. Four rounds of swiss, no top 4. Go 3-1, losing my third round vs GR Devotion. Game 2 I lose because my opponent played FOUR Courser of Kruphix in a row. Game 3 I lose because I mull to 4, and my opponent has turn 4 Polyk. I use Banishing Light, of course, he has Reclamation Sage, then follows up with Arbor Colossus.
FRF Game Day at Gamescape North. I end up playing in this tournament despite being super ill with a cough. I play GR aggro. Four rounds of swiss, I go 3-1 (lost to a douchebag). Proceed to lose to an annoying kid in the semifinals.
DTK Game Day 1 at Heretic Games. I went there expecting it to be pretty chill. Instead, there are 22 people, most of whom from Anime Imports. Three rounds of Swiss, with a top 8. I am playing Abzan Aggro. I lose first round to a drunk guy playing Temur. He apparently left after round 1 and didn't come back. Round two I get a bye. Round three I beat BW warriors. Don't make the top 8, but my friend does (playing Esper Dragons). He loses in the quarterfinals to mono-red.
DTK Game Day 2 at D20 Games. I end up going here, instead of Its Your Move Games. Five rounds of swiss, with a top 8. I am playing Abzan aggro again. I manage to go 5-0 in the Swiss. Beat Abzan aggro mirror in the quarterfinals, then lose game 3 of the semifinals to Atarka Red. I am kinda back in the game thanks to Sorin + Rakshasa Deathdealer. However, I lose because I mistap my mana, and don't leave up Hero's Downfall with my opponent swings in with a 1/1 goblin token, and hits me for 7 with his ONE OF Become Immense he rips off the top. Wow. Fucking painlands.
Magic Origins Game Day 1 at Comic Cards Etc. 12 people. Fortunately, it's just three rounds of swiss, no top 4/8. I am playing Abzan control. Win game 1 vs. mono red. Proceed to lose game 2 to a perfect curve out. Lose game 3 because my opponent plays mono-dash creatures, while I have Drown in Sorrow in hand, and I draw a bunch of lands, and he has removal spells for all of my creatures. He finishes with a topdeck Stoke the Flames. I win round 2/3 pretty easy, but going 2-1 leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
Magic Origins Game 2 at Comic Cards Etc. 9 people (originally) Three rounds of swiss again, no top 8. I'm playing Abzan Aggro now (instead of control). I get a vaunted round 1 bye, then someone shows up late, and he's still sleeving up his deck. I figure this is gonna be pretty easy, but then I get crushed by red burn deck splashing green for Courser of Kruphix and Savage Ventmaw. Sigh. I lose my second round to Bant Heroic, and then I win vs. mono blue mill, but I'm 1-2, and 9th place out 10, so I don't win the promo. My friend ended up winning the tournament after forgetting to bring his Esper Dragons deck, so he borrows my Mardu Dragons deck.
Of course, I also find out that Mardu Dragons deck is missing a card. This sucks because I had previously lent the deck out to a different friend the previous day. I thought I had counted all of the cards in the deck, but apparently I missed one. This sucks.
So far, I have been in 12 different Game Day tournaments, and won two of them.