Saturday, March 28, 2015

3/28/15 Magic reports

I have not played a lot of tournament magic lately.   I am still sick, and have been busy with World of Warcraft on Tuesdays/Wednesdays.  

Friday 3/20/15 was dinner with friend.

I went to three Dragons of Tarkir prereleases at Versus Games:

Saturday 3/21/15:

Sunday 3/22/15:

Monday 3/23 and Thursday 3/26 was playtest practice in Standard/Modern at Versus Games.

I didn't make it out to FNM on Friday 3/27/15.  Traffic just didn't allow it.

Saturday 3/28/15:

On the plus side, I opened an Ugin, the Spirit Dragon during the 3/22/15 prerelease, and a FOIL Sarkhan Unbroken at the 3/28/15 sealed.  WOOP WOOP. 

Saturday, March 14, 2015

3/14/15 Draft reports

 Sweet Abzan deck, because Abzan was super open:

Terrible Sultai deck (person on my right was in 5 color):

Bad Jeskai deck, because person on my right was in Jeskai:

Decent Abzan deck (my opponent was in 5 color, but I drew well):

Bad Abzan deck (person on my left was in Abzan, despite me passing him insane blue cards):